The Orange Strips exist since 2003. That's when they had their first gig, anyway. In 2002 they somehow got around and decided to write songs without even knowing how to play their instruments. By now they have more than 30 songs in their catalogue, working tirelessly on new ones. Most of them have been recorded at home, using nothing but an old PC and some borrowed equipment.
On numerous occasions the band appeared on Croatian TV, their home made video (but of course) for Letters In Your Mailbox even found its way to New Englands No Hit Videos in the States, and their songs got played on national radio stations. There being a lot of interest in the band's music, The Orange Strips are now ready to take everything to the next level. 14 songs have been picked out and currently the band is recording their debut album due to come out in 2007. In case you feel like investing in the band please visit :
THE ORANGE STRIPS on SellaBandThe Orange Strips - Letters In Your Mailbox
Add to My Profile | More VideosThe Orange Strips - Chinese Box (live)
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