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even steven.

About Me

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The band "Even Steven" was founded in Osijek in March 2007 and it has four members: Stjepan Topolovec (vocal), Lana Perkovic (bass guitar), Stjepan Levak (drums) and Dinko Zovko (electric guitar). Band members immediately realized that their worldviews and musical tastes were very much alike and the first songs were written quickly and spontaneously. Six months after they first got together, they held their first concert, and since that time the band has had several concerts, out of which we must specially emphasize their performance at the beer festival “Jesen uz Osjecko” in October 2007, when they played in a crowded tent in front of several thousand people. The reactions of the audience and the media were great from the very beginning, which is proven by numerous photo galleries at local Internet portals, as well as the considerable number of newspaper articles. In February 2008 the band recorded its first EP, called simply “Evensteven EP”, and hopes to perform at clubs and festivals all over Croatia in the future.Glazbena skupina “Even Steven” osnovana je u ozujku 2007. godine u Osijeku i sastoji se od cetiri clana: Stjepan Topolovec (vokal), Lana Perkovi-- (bas gitara), Stjepan Levak (bubanj) i Dinko Zovko (el. gitara). Clanovi benda odmah shvacaju kako su vrlo slicnih svjetonazora i glazbenih ukusa te prve pjesme nastaju spontano i brzo. Prvi je nastup uslijedio pola godine nakon okupljanja i od tada je sastav imao nekoliko koncerata od kojih posebno treba istaknuti nastup na pivskom festivalu „Jesen uz Osjecko“ u listopadu 2007. godine kada su nastupili u prepunom koncertnom satoru pred nekoliko tisuca ljudi. Reakcija publike i medija od samog pocetka bila je odlicna cemu idu u prilog i brojne galerije fotografija na lokalnim internetskim portalima, kao i ne tako mali broj novinskih napisa. Bend je u veljaci 2008. snimio svoj prvi EP jednostavnog naziva „evensteven EP“ te se u buducnosti nada nastupima u klubovima i na festivalima diljem Hrvatske i regije.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/19/2007
Band Website: http://www.evensteven.co.nr
Band Members: Dunja Fajdić - vocals, Lana Perkovic - Bass, Dinko Zovko- Guitar, Stjepan Levak - Drums EX MEMBERS: Stjepan Topolovec- Vocals
Influences: Lana: Pixies, Lamb, Jamiroquai, PJ Harvey, Tori Amos Dinko: John Frusciante, RHCP, Jimi Hendrix, The Meters, The Shadows Stjepan: Radiohead, The Coral, Beck, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Flaming Lips
Sounds Like: evensteven.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Prekinuli smo suranju sa pjeva em Stjepanom

Pozdrav svim Even Steven prijateljima. Moramo Vas obavijestiti kako smo prekinuli suradnju sa naaim pjeva em Stjepanom! Zahvaljujemo se Cjepi na njegovom trudu, radu i ulaganju u bend, unio je jeda...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 09:19:00 GMT

evensteven band tjedna na www.earbugs.com

Posjetite stranicu http://www.net.hr/webcafe/earbugs/ i uvjerite se kako je Even Steven ovotjedni BEND TJEDNA. Takoer, ako pogledate na ovotjednu demo top-listu vidjeti ete kako se naaa stvar GOO...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 05:28:00 GMT

Film "Put Kese"

U nedjelju, 1. lipnja 2008. u Galeriji Kazamat odr~at e se projekcija filma "Put kese", bit e otvorena popratna izlo~ba fotografija, a cijeli e dogaaj biti i za injen svirkom Even Stevena.Viae o f...
Posted by on Tue, 27 May 2008 10:04:00 GMT

Our first EP finally finished!

We are happy to inform you that our first EP is finished! We called it simply "evensteven EP" and it includes four songs whose total duration is more than fifteen minutes. We have been recording ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 06:06:00 GMT

Website redesigned and launched - Visit www.evensteven.co.nr

New site is up and running. Gallery, links, biography - and more contents coming. You can now log in and comment on the articles.If you're bored, why not visit www.evensteven.co.nr.Even Steven Crew
Posted by on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 06:28:00 GMT

Nas prvi EP napokon snimljen

Drago nam je sto Vas mozemo obavijestiti kako je nas prvi nosac zvuka gotov. Radi se o EP-u jednostavnog naziva "evensteven EP" koji broji cetiri pjesme, ukupnoga trajanja preko petnaest minuta.EP smo...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 05:42:00 GMT