"Musical Heroes with an interest to bring back the magic music in Adult Film entertainment"The Idea of The Fusion Porn has been around for many years, but finding the right people for job was no easy task for Rawbert(Guitar) and Brandonie(bass), but in the fall of 2006 it all came together. Rawbert discovered a young drumming sensation Landry Douglass(Lance) formally of the suitcase pimps, with the first jam session together Brandonie and Rawbert knew he was the one for the job!!After being motivated by the new found drummer, The Fusion Porn began searching for a Vocalist, that search ended quickly when Rawbert asked Mynis front man Thomas Vlahavas to join, he accepted the offer.The Fusion Porn has been working on their CD The Love Device and performing all around central California, They have been developing quite a fan base, packing local clubs to capacity. "These guys have it, contagious energy, charisma and a real presence that is so hard to find"The Fusion Porn is Quickly becoming one of the most popular bands in central California, The Fusion Porn has shared the stage with rock bands and hip hop groups making them a very versatile and diverse, people from all age groups and cultures have fallen in love with this energetic and entertaining band. So if you are looking for 4 great musicians on one stage, a incredible sound and a show that will leave you amazed, you need to check out The Fusion Porn!!!!!