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am a fully three-dimensional woman who's various interests reflect complexity of my nature. I'm a bellydancer, an unabashedly libido driven poly dyke and sensualist, a woman of African and Native American descent, a femme dyke, and a proudly curvy fat chick. I'm experiencing the joys of growing into my identities as a lovingly sadistic top and a loving, devoted, complex, and sometimes angry bottom.Many of the communities that I'm immersed in believe that admitting enjoyment of one's sensuality is a detriment to their cause, but I couldn't disagree more. To enjoy art, to feel anger over injustice, or to just simply be yourself, is to enjoy life and the passion, pain, and pleasures it brings to your senses without restraint, reservations, or regrets.
bellydancing is one of the main driving forces behind my continual growth as a woman who's centered spirtually, sensually, mentally, and physically. Not all the lessons I learn from this dance are pleasant and uplifting, but they all help make me a stronger woman who enjoys the delicious and decadent taste of life. My muses are Maya Angelou, Oshun, Alice Walker, Ella Fitzgerald, and Fifi Abdo as their artistic expression reflects the beauty found in the darkness of my skin, the darkness of my nature, and the darkness of my strength.
I DO HAVE MY MOMENTS OF CULTURAL SNOBBERY, SO CHANCES ARE IF I COME ACROSS A FELLOW DYKES PAGE WITH NOTHING BUT IMAGES ANGELINA JOLIE AND/OR THE "GAY FOR PAY" CAST FROM THE 'L WORD' PLASTERED ALL OVER THEIR PROFILE PAGE, I'M PRETTY MUCH CONVINCED THAT SHE'S A CONFORMITY EMBRACING MENTAL LEMMING (KNUCKLE DRAGGING MORON). EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR PREFERENCES, AND MY PREFERENCE IS TO NOT FEEL INFERIOR SIMPLY BECAUSE I DON'T FIT INTO THE GLBT COMMUNITY'S NARROW VIEW OF WHAT IS BEAUTIFUL (THIN,WHITE, STRAIGHT, AND UNATTAINABLE). There, I said it!I know the aforementioned generalization is a bit harsh, but you try living your life as a queer fabulous fluffy fat femme surrounded by a mainstream society that's seems to be hellbent on making you feel like crap for embracing these qualities and see how patient you become with your fellow queer chicks who join in the bashing. It ain't easy being green.Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds