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If you are a larger woman acknowledge your ample shape and voluptuous curves - be proud.
I am here to promote Size Acceptance, to help show the world that big women can be sexy too. Women are the main reason why I do what I do. I’ve been big all my life and know first hand the way this world treats big women. It’s dirty looks from some, rudeness from others, hateful size comments yelled from strangers, to being just blatantly ignored. Being a big woman in today’s society for many of us is bouncing from being invisible to being treated with hate and animosity. It’s EVERY day! I know big men are not treated the best either, but big women really get the worst of it. Don’t believe me? Turn on the TV and pay attention. Count how many overweight men there are on TV shows and movies and then count how many overweight women there are. Then go to video hosting sites like YouTube and search for videos with keywords like “fat girlâ€. You might be shocked to see the way people think they can treat big women. Treating big women badly and making them the butt of jokes -- it seems to be the last safe prejudice.
In the war to help big women find acceptance the first step is to help women themselves gain self confidence. To let them know that big women can be just as beautiful as smaller women. All people, no matter their size, are deserving of respect. But the first step is to give women the confidence to demand that respect.
I used to be ashamed of who I am, what I look like. I used to have such low self esteem because I let society and the media brain wash me into thinking that there was something shameful or ugly about being a big woman. I'm glad now that I have woken up and realized the lies that we are taught. One goal is to show the world that big women can be just as sexy as smaller women. To do that big women need to learn that they too are sexy and they have nothing to be ashamed of.
Up until a few years ago I had major self esteem issues. Then I started watching more BBW and SSBBW YouTube videos and getting big women magazines , and that really helped me see that big can be sexy too. And then I discovered the magazine that really changed it all for me. BODacious. That magazine really opened my eyes. I mean here were women my size or nearly my size who were strutting their stuff for the world to see. And they looked good!!
I’ve been asked what I can suggest to help bigger women who have low self esteem. My suggestion this - Get involved in BBW positive sites and magazines and organizations. It does a world of good to be around people (or just in contact with people via internet) that not only don't hate big women, but absolutely adore them! And do yourself a BIG favor - Subscribe to BODacious magazine.
I know there is a real need out there to help big women gain confidence and take a hold of their rightful place in this world as respected citizens, and also desirable women. I would love to see each and every one of you a part of this. It’s about Size Acceptance, and it’s a war worth fighting!
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