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My real name is Piotr. Currently I'm a student of the last, 5th year of Electrotechnology of Bydgoszcz University of Technology and Agriculture (ATR).
One of my passions is electronics, and I associate my professional plans with it (secondary school, now studies).
My another great passion is music. As far as I remember, it's been always my hobby, some part of me and I've always been interested in it. One day I sat behind the drumset and this event has affected my whole life... I won't describe every point of that period. One way or another, at present I'm engaged in activity of the Sellisternium band . I'm encouraging you to visit the official site:
A diffrent activity somewhere around music is writing. No, not lyrics. ;) I write reviews of the records and relations from the cultural events, (eg. concerts etc). I was given such possibility by TABOO - The independent portal treating about art & culture .
I'm encouraging you to read my articles , unfortunately, at present in Polish only...
.: -== || ==- :.