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Official My Space of UNTORY

About Me

GLI UNTORY" RINGRAZIANO TUTTE LE PERSONE INTERVENUTE AL CONCERTO ESEGUITO ALLO ZSA ZSA MONAMOUR L' 08/06/08 - UN RINGRAZIAMENTO PARTICOLARE A TUTTI GLI AMICI CHE HANNO ATTESO L'INTERA DURATA DEL CONCERTO NONOSTANTE L'ORA TARDA - UN GRAZIE ALLE STREPITOSE BAND "DESERTSEARCH" E "POST MERIDIAN" CHE HANNO DIVISO L'EVENTO CON NOI - ED INFINE GRAZIE AL FONICO ED I RAGAZZI DEL LOCALE CHE HAN FATTO SI CHE TUTTO PROCEDESSE BENE -UNTORY was born in 1993 in Palermo, Sicily. The first searches of the band move in full tuning with the wake of the brutal death metal like Sinister or Cannibal Corpse, if also with riff easy combinable to Sepultura sounds, and in six months it realizes a 4tx-demotape entitled "Holy Rites", that immediately receives optimal consents on prestigious reviews of the sort. The members of the group - always directed by Rosario Filippino, founder and drummer - were Carmelo Chiarelli and Dario Aloisio at the guitars, Luca Di Martino at the vocal and Emiliano Viavattene at the bass. Confirmation of the high index of conctencts that the Untory received, the song that gives title to the demotape comes demanded in order to make part of a national compilation titled Down of Gods, produced by the Metal Horse label. In the 1995 the second demotape was out, titled "Sudden Death", with eight new songs, in this work Fabio Caneba replaces Dario Aloisio at the guitar, while the sonorous searches of UNTORY, maintaining its originality and compactness, are moved to a new idea of technical death metal (demotape also containes acoustics songs and piano compositions) similar at European bands sound like Pestilence or Tiamat and some of the Scandinavian Death Metal feelings. In this album Luca Di Martino, beyond curing the vocal, he cures keyboards and piano. Also in this time the magazines was out with optimal articles, and they received a great support from the audience: they shakes sold over 3.000 copies in all Italy and Europe! Arrive the first tour and numerous concerts that will engage the band for all 1996. At the beginning of 1997 various changes happen for UNTORY, cause one fallen of humor by a foretold recording contract then revealed vain. The singer Luca Di Martino and the guitarist Carmelo Chiarelli went away and whose roles come covered respectively by the same guitarist Fabio Caneba and Massimiliano Della Sala. After some time also Emiliano Viavattene gone, but quickly replaced with Danyel Burton at the bass. Is the year of the change. Their sonorous vibrations, always sand, cold and decided make technical music, and so born their new promo production, "Empty Places", 3 songs that directly reconnect them to the jazzistic sound of the fast and compact Cynic, Death, Atheist, but after a hard job (much then a year of study and researches on sounds, sonority and composition!) the band, under strong stress, don't obtained a satisfactory production so it explodes and the demo, hardly realized, don't will be never distribuited. After this experience it will pass two years before the founder and leader, Rosario Filippino, succeeds to recompose the band. Only in the 2000 he will find Marco Failla - guitar, Scozzola Massimo - bass, and one first acquaintance the voice of Luca Di Martino. So in the 2001 born "Hypertrophic", cd with 4 tracks that, with evidently improving quality of recording and production, signs a turn to the technical brutal death metal of the origins marks but also this time Untory will newly be forced to dismember itself. In the summer of 2003 Rosario Filippino, the founding drummer, recruited Massimiliano Della Sala - guitar, Francesco Pizzimenti - bass and Marco Bellante - vocals and start to work at the new songs and play gigs in the South Italy. With this line up produced and recorded their first full lenght album in the 2006, "Indifferent": 10 infected brutal death metal songs. Their sonorous searches show now an extraordinary compactness, all not transgressing the technical and composition research typical of UNTORY plague sound. In the autumn of 2007 Rosario Filippino decided to broke the band after different point of view with all members. In this February of 2008, finally UNTORY reborn with a new fantastic and definitive line up; Rosario Filippino at the drums, the virtuous guitarist and composer Tregor Malphas Russo (GATES OF EDEN, SORTILEGIUM and ERIAMINELL) the bassist Danyel Burton ( the bassist of the demo "Empty Places") and the voice of Ignazio Conticello. In this period, the new powerful line up stay to prepare a new promo single and the new second full lenght album.

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Member Since: 5/5/2006
Band Website: untory.eu
Band Members: Rosario "Sire" Filippino - drums,Tregor Malphas Russo - all guitars,Danyel Burton - bass,Ignazio "Brutal" Conticello - voice

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Influences: Technical Brutal Death MetalYou are now marked on my visitor map!

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Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Definitive line up of UNTORY

Hail to All. Untory are reformed with a sensational and definitive line up: RosariO "Sire" FilippinO : drums TregoR MalphaS RussO : guitar virtuoso and composer. DanyeL BurtoN : bass Ignazio "Bru...
Posted by UntorY on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:48:00 PST