some ppl might tell you i'm psycho but what the fuck do they know i'm just to the point and some ppl. are just to weak and stupid to see the truth for what it is and they can't handle it. if i'm psycho i'm psycho but i've got a heart of gold until you fuck me over but thats the way it should be in my opinion. i'm a bit on the strange side. there isn't really a word i can think of to describe me. i like to have fun lifes to short to not have fun or atleast try no matter where you are. i love to dance. its the one thing that can truly make me happy no matter what. i model so alot of stuff i do seems superficial to alot of ppl, but hey when its part of your goal and is involved majorly in what your doing you got to be involved. so i love to watch fashion shows, going shopping, hair, make up you know all the girly barbie girl crap. i enjoy a wide variety of music depending on my mood. i love tennis, i dont understand either but something about it intrigues me. i love little hawaiian goth industrial rockstars they are my fav.
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