I am the beginning and the End profile picture

I am the beginning and the End


About Me

I felt more satisfied and at peace with myself than I had in a in long time...I needed to learn to open my heart and give love without requiring anything in return.Spread love everywhere you go, First of all in your house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to your next door neighbor...let no one ever leave you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greetings.I have often been challenged in my life with God. One area I have struggled with regularly is to try keep up with him. There were number of times in my life when I felt sure that I was ready for growth or change, but it didn't happen, and I couldn't understand why.I believe it is very common for me to struggle with this issue in my life. In fact, I think the answer that I always been searching for was "Jesus". I've been through alot in my life some good some bad. The good times I'll try to remember, but The bad times I'll never forget. I sometimes take life for granted, but do we all? and we don't realize it until something bad happens. I would not have made through these bad times, without the help of Jesus. I would like to reach out to so many people out there who are confused and wants Jesus in thier lives. all you have to do is ask him. Now lets move on to other issues in our lives. Do you believe life after death? Do you ever wish that someday you wish to see the kingdom of God. I assure you, most solemly I tell you, that unless a person is born again, he or she cannot ever see the kingdom of God. Many people are concerned with what happens today or tomorrow a few months down the road. They may be concerned with what plans They've prepared, such as family vacatoins, buying a new house,a new car, or what to do after retirement.But what about life after death? Are you prepared for it? Your Physical body will die someday,but your spirit will continue to live on for eternity, in heaven or in hell depends on the choices you have made. Ask your-self what is separating you from God? Follow Jesus, he's your answer. .. ..Believe it with your heart. your head will not grasp what I am telling you,but believe it with your heart listen to your spirit.Romans 10:9 says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is the lord and believe with your heart that god raised him from the dead,you will be save.If you want to receive Jesus you need to say: "I believe Jesus is the the son of God. I believe he died for me.I believe God raised him from the dead." Romams 10:10 says that "with the heart a person believe and...so is justified" The word "justified" means(made as if he never sinned) It means cleansed,made right with God. Only believing in Jesus and all he did will justify you. No amount of good works will ever make you right with God. Merely going to church will not justify you. You must be justified through faith, then good works such as going to church,will follow as a sign of your heart change. Believe he did it for you.
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Jesus said to one and all "Take your cross and follow me" When you sense the Spirit's call, Seize the opportunity!


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If you would like to accepted Jesus Christ as your savior.Please pray this prayer: Father God, I believe Jesus Christ is your son ,the Savior of the world. I believe He died on the cross for me,and He bore all of my sins. I believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead and is now seated at your right hand.I need you, Jesus. I recieve you by faith. Forgive my sins, save me, come inside of me. I want to be born again. Amen


Congratulations! You have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. You are a new creature. You now are in right relationship with God.