Dushan Svilokos was born and is milking rosewood in Serbia, Ex-Yugoslavia. He likes to fool everyone that he's a musician by profession, and he is very good at it, because some people are actually paying bucks to have him play on their records or just to listen and watch him perform.
Life was a hard and lonely road filled with many obstacles for Dushan as he strayed from a path more than once, even in his early days of discovering unholy wonders of music creation. In his teenage years he was already accused of severe serious villainies including sexual crimes committed on innocent, defenseless guitars. Those guitars never fully recovered, and his guilt was clear to anyone who heard those terrifying screams and growls. Dushan did his time, but just when everyone was thinking he's done with all that guitar playing nonsense, strong arm of law had to intervene for second time: Dushan was jailed again for frequently playing faster and louder then legally allowed on public places. Fact that some of the licks were quite bluesy didn't help his cause a lot, because devilish tappings and wicked slurs were too obvious in his fretwork, and he was finally sentenced to play live in the most difficult conditions for next 10 years. Tough, but righteous decision, some would say.
Years have passed and Dushan appeared to play more legato and soulful, even avoiding solos when songs were asking for it. Wounds healed, but scars of his troublesome youth still remained.
Right now Dushan Svilokos lives life of a decent citizen and a productive member of society, working as a studio musician and teaching guitar, but rumors are growing in numbers that he is preparing in secrecy to strike back the most viciously, with a new infectious breed of organized mind-numbing guitar-induced noise.
Recently Dushan has signed endorsement agreement with Gary Kramer Guitars, made by Leo Scala, and Mr. Scala has tricked him into playing guitar that has ebony-mahogany neck. And let me tell you, milking ebony is not easy thing. So it is still "milking rosewood for a living" , just for the sake of correctness and to be in tune with official page name. I mean, kids read this, keep it clean. Master luthier Mr Scala is not your average "look at another 1777th gibson/fender ripoff guitar I just made" guy, he is making some seriously wicked and unusual stuff. Check it on www.garykramerguitar.com and tremble in fear.
Currently Dushan is milking most of the rosewood for his band "Trigger" that is just about to release CD. With music. And guitars, a lot of guitars. "TRIGGER myspace page" Also some instrumental stuff will be finished soon (1-10 years) and may even end up released, but more about it some other time.
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