Alpha Scorpii was formed by my brother, Raphael Tchurtis and Paulo Henrique. It's a pleasure to play in this band and to have the chance to share the stage with my brother. As well as my father, I have great admiration for my brother's musical ability.
Music is my principal passion... There is nothing in this world that can touch you in the special way that music does... Music makes us cry, smile, contemplate and can change your perception of the world... Music is like this: deep and immediate...
I also have a big passion for movies, books, travels and gigs.
I'm studying Psicology at Jaguariuna's University. =)
Before I played with Alpha Scorpii , I played with many other bands. The most significant band that I played with prior to Alpha Scorpii was Imago Mortis from Rio de Janeiro. Imago Mortis was great and they are well worth a listen. After that plug for Imago Mortis (guys don't forget to pay me later), I must inform you about Alpha Scorpii's Myspace page . I hope that you enjoy my band! You can check our stuff at Thanks for the support! Keep the horns up high... keep in touch.====================================================== =====
You are The Star
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised
The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one.
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