TRESS profile picture


If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

About Me

Mon amour, où es-tu? ... Je suis sur la toilette!
I'm not on here a lot but don't worry, I'm responsive. =]
I go by my middle name Tress. I’m Filipino-French. I go to school, work, and volunteer. I value family, friends, genuineness and education. If you don’t know me most people will tell you I’m nice, bright, and dorky.. but “Who I Am” depends on how well you know me. I'm depthful, not complicated. Anything you don't "get" about me I can explain.
If there's one thing to know it's that I'm very understanding. I won't chastise you for the mistakes you've made or categorize you by what brand name you're wearing. I'm not a person that you have to lie to or hide things from. I can handle the truth; every bit. I crave it, too. Sometimes it seems that there isn't enough of it. But the bottom line is that I just care if you are a good person. Any other differences don't matter in the end because they eventually become appreciated or settled.
If there's a second thing to know about me it's that I'm eclectic. When people get to know me I may come off weird at first but after a while that part about me becomes what my close friends love most. I grew up exposed to so many types of people and cultures and traveling at a young age has a lot to do with the way I am now. You don't have to be a genuis to realize that there is much more than the little world we live in here in SoCal. If you get what I'm saying then highfive. If not, then highfive for trying.
You know all those bad habits you pick up during adolescence? I busted my ass in resolving them. It's nice when people can admit their fault(s) but it's even better when people do something about it. So I've developed this new habit: I'm an avid problem solver. Some don't like it but I would feel puny if I were to turn my back on something or someone.
There's not one relative I do not like and we (my direct family) are all best friends and we make dull moments tha shiznits. I love spending time with the fambam and I love babysitting the sibs 'cause I can let the kid out in me and they won't make fun of it! ;p
Current major: nursing. Prospect major: anesthesiology (2010-11?). Right now I attend a community college. Sometimes I get these half-compliment-semi-belittling comments like, “You're UC material. I don't understand why you let yourself stay at a j/c.” I’m going to write this here since more people myspace me than call me and because I'm tired of repeating myself: Yes, I'm aware that I can go to a “more prestigious” school but I'm uneligible for finaid and my parents have their reason for preferring me to not take out a loan (which I respect). So instead of whining I’m doing what I can about it. I have a Plan A, B, and C so no matter what anticipated obstacle may get in my way I will get to where I want to be. So please don’t worry for me or make me feel bad based on where I’m getting my education. K? =]
I recycle and vote. I like occassional adrenaline rushes (no, not drugs). There's this promise I made to myself that one day I'm gonna do a backwards flip off a waterfall; maybe in Fiji but there are awesome waterfalls elsewhere. I also want to see an aurora borealis in the flesh, and find the one place on Earth where looking up at the stars at night is nothing like it is at home.
Of course there's more to me than this profile but writing about myself to both people who do and don't know me w/o being redundant or misleading is difficult. So I'm done. Kbye!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

SANE people. For friendship. A streak of badass wouldn't hurt. A streak of dumbass would hurt. I like all sorts of people except the morally disorientated.

The bottom left quote means: "We only really see with our hearts. What matters is invisible to the eyes."

****** ********* ******


There's a person I met not too long ago. I was told that he's not like anyone else.. and it's true. Some people's personality have too much of some things or not enough of other things. But this guy.. he has enough of a lot of things. Funny, dorky, smart, punkass, kindness, creativeness, trustworthiness, ebonic skillz, looks, and most importantly HONESTY. When things get tough he's tougher. When he's unsure he doesn't front. And when I'm unsure he doesn't let me get away with playing it off. He's the first person I've met that, at times, only has to say 4 words to make me feel better ("Shut the f--k up") because he knows I know better. => There's 2679.55 miles between us. So I wanted to write all this here.. so when we can't get a hold of each other, or if he's not feeling that great or when he's bored, or whatever! He'll go to my page and see that I purposely put this here so he'll remember that I think about him often, that I wonder if he's okay, that I get pissed sometimes because I can't do the things you'd want to do for those amazing friends in life, but most of all that
The End.

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*I like this song: loud, in the car, windows down, while driving above the posted speed limit.


I want to see Knocked Up.




I like to read.

"I went to the library today (May 15).. more than 1/2 the people using the comps were on MySpace. I never knew how lame it looked from the outside. They were all just Krazy Glued to the moniter."


These people:

1) Those who do what they got to do and don't complain about it.
2) Those who've been through some sh-t. Perseverance is beautiful.
3) Those who know right from wrong and choose RIGHT.

My Blog


Even though my profile says I'm here for friends I get lots of messages about dating. This blog should answer most questions. Am I looking?No. Not right now. I suppose that makes the rest of this...
Posted by TRESS on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:13:00 PST