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I see atheism as exercising common sense; being brave enough to follow one's heart without fear of the "power" of a "higher being". There is a common belief that atheism is evil; this is a big mistake. Atheists don't believe there is a god, therefore they don't believe in the devil; so, atheists cannot be satanic because they don't recognize Satan as a god counterpart. These intelligent people, usually highly educated, may be among the most intellectual, self sufficient and grounded people in the world. It's confusing, how a Christian can ridicule atheism, and just feel soooooo sure that there is a god. No Egyptian god, Norse god, Gallic god, Jewish god, Greek god, roman god, Zoroastrian god, Islamic god, or any other god but his specific idea of his ONE, Christian god could ever be real, oooh no...Even IF there are gods, how the fuck could he KNOW he's wasting his life over a real god, or the right god, or if he's actually worshiping him/her/it properly. How does he KNOW this god has some sort of eternal punishment or reward. Has he MET Jesus or Satan!? Has he BEEN to heaven or hell!?**...didn't think so...**
Well I got to say hands down all the way for all the T.V shows and they are on facts...none of that fiction "wanna-Be" religion shit: **Animal Planet, **The top 10 on the Count Down (on Animal Planet) because is shows comparisons between animals and humans...good studies **Americas Most funniest Animals, **Geography **Astrology Other than that I keep things real with my kidish like qualities: ♥ Nickalodian baby! ♥ Cartoon Network ♥ Disney Channel ♥ Adult Swim ♥ Simpsons ♥ Family Guy
Call me a geek, but truth is that I really enjoy reading on the beach or more specifically, outside. I love the books: Astrology, Atheism, Biology, Evolution, Science, Human Biology, All in the power to be a true prideful atheist!!!Others: A Child Called IT, Go Ask Alice, Night, and there’s the magazines.
My heroes are the ones who’ve died... Albert Instine Aaliya 2Pac Biggy Adan Sanchez Left Eye Salina