The Official Thug Radio Message Board
Mixtape Submissions may be sent to [email protected]
ThugRadio.Net is currently taking and reviewing submissions for a Thug Radio Mixtape. All submission will be considered regardless of genre. If I get enough of specific genres, I would be estatic to create a mixtape for each genre. Who couldn't use a little extra free promotion?
The mixtapes will be packaged in a zip format, which will include an internet shortcut to each participant's website of choice (default will be MySpace, unless otherwise specified), for easy download as well as displayed in a widget, the same ones I use for my personal shit . The widgets will provide easy access to each track for listening or individual download. Widgets will be predominatedly displayed on ThugRadio.Net as well as the corresponding MySpace.Com/ThugRadio . It will also be available to easily copy and display on message boards or other websites. All of which make this a bountiful promotional opportunity at no cost to anyone.
This is an open invitation for any artist who wants submit a song for promotional purposes. This is open to everyone from the unsigned cat makin' beats in his garage to Jay-Z . What's included on the mixtape will obviously depend on what I recieve. I would love to make this into a multiple mixtape venture and even do genre-specific mixtapes, like one for Hip-Hop/Rap , one for Soul/R&B and even one for Comedy .
There is no money involved. Anyone interested submits their song and I select which songs will be included on which mixtape, mix them how I feel they will work best and put them up for download. I may burn off a few promotional disc to pass around, but nothing fancy. All mixtapes will be strictly promotional and primarily digital, unless otherwise noted, which would be an entirely different project. Basically, there is no cost to anyone involved, nor will there be any monitary compensation.
Disclaimer: By submitting a song for use on this or any Thug Radio Mixtape the submitter authorizes ThugRadio.Net to use and distribute said song in any matter seen fit by ThugRadio.Net and the owners thereof. The submitter also attests that he/she owns the rights to said song or has permission from the lawful rights owner to grant use of said song. By submitting a song the submitter also acknowledges there is no monetary compensation to the submitter of said song or the distributer of said mixtape. Submission does not guarantee inclusion on any current or future Thug Radio Mixtape.
Free Downloadable Shit For Free:
Let's Fuckin' Do This Or Jesus Is My Bitch Raw Sampler Hosted By Raul
Let's Fuckin' Do This Or Jesus Is My Bitch Special Sauce Sampler Hosted By Raul
Bees Knees Grow On Trees Or My Penis Is In Your Eye Sampler Hosted By Raul
Phil M. Cockenbolz' Christmas Carol Of Justice & Joy Maxi-Single
Raul's Life Story Of Justice, Danger, Despair, Fornication, Drama & Rapture
The Muthafuckin' D - Baby Stories The Grown-Up Way
Promo Song Downloads
(Right Click/Save Target As...)
MySpace (For The LadiesVersion) - The Muthafuckin' D ftPhil M.Cockenbolz
MySpace (Final FrontierVersion) - The Muthafuckin' D ftPhil M.Cockenbolz
MySpace (Raul & Old JoeVersion) - Raul & Old Joe ft Phil M. Cockenbolz
Please put a link or two everywhere you go and help let muthafuckaz know!
Copy and Paste the HTML below onto your website, forums, any section of your MySpace profile or wherever the fuck you want. Fuckin' do it. Don't fuckin' argue with me, fuckin' do it. I'll fuckin' bite you. I mean, please?
Now that that's out of the way, please help me promote this site and my shit, but putting some links up around the world-wide web. I spend way too much time promoting and this would give me more time to work on the site and other endeavors, such as more comedy shit. So just copy the html text from the box of the link you want and paste it somewhere everyone in the world will see it and click it. For every link that goes up somewhere, I will give a free myself.
Anyone who would like actual physical promo CDs to give out E-mail me.
Bees Knees Grow OnTrees Or My Penis Is In Your Eye Hosted By Raul
Thug Radio
Bees Knees Grow OnTrees Or My Penis Is In Your Eye Hosted By Raul
Thug Radio
Thug Radio
Thug Radio
Thug Radio
The Official Thug Radio Message Board
The Official Thug Radio Message Board
Love, Life, Humor & Revolution: My Book OfRhymes
Love, Life, Humor & Revolution: My Book Of Rhymes
~Free Comedy Promo Shit~
Bees Knees Grow On Trees Or My Penis Is InYour Eye Sampler Hosted By Raul (Information & Download)
Bees Knees Grow On Trees Or My Penis Is InYour Eye Sampler Hosted By Raul (Information & Download)
Bees Knees Grow On Trees Or My Penis Is InYour Eye Sampler Hosted By Raul (Direct Download)
Bees Knees Grow On Trees Or My Penis Is In Your Eye SamplerHosted By Raul (Direct Download)
Let's Fuckin' Do This Or Jesus Is My Bitch Sampler Hosted ByRaul (Information & Download)
Let's Fuckin' Do This Or Jesus Is My Bitch Sampler Hosted ByRaul (Information & Download)
Let's Fuckin' Do This Or Jesus Is My Bitch Sampler Hosted ByRaul (Direct Download)
Let's Fuckin' Do This Or Jesus Is My Bitch Sampler Hosted ByRaul (Direct Download)
Phil M. Cockenbolz' Christmas Carol Of Justice & JoyMaxi-Single (Information & Download)
Phil M. Cockenbolz' Christmas Carol Of Justice & JoyMaxi-Single (Information & Download)
Phil M. Cockenbolz' Christmas Carol Of Justice & JoyMaxi-Single (Direct Download)
Phil M. Cockenbolz' Christmas Carol Of Justice & JoyMaxi-Single (Direct Download)
Raul's Life Story Of Justice, Danger, Despair, Fornication,Drama & Rapture (Information & Download)
Raul's Life Story Of Justice, Danger, Despair, Fornication,Drama & Rapture (Information & Download)
Raul's Life Story Of Justice, Danger, Despair, Fornication,Drama & Rapture (Direct Download)
Raul's Life Story Of Justice, Danger, Despair, Fornication,Drama & Rapture (Direct Download)
The Muthafuckin' D - Baby Stories The Grown-Up Way (Information& Download)
The Muthafuckin' D - Baby Stories The Grown-Up Way (Information& Download)
The Muthafuckin' D - Baby Stories The Grown-Up Way (DirectDownload)
The Muthafuckin' D - Baby Stories The Grown-Up Way (DirectDownload)
Raul - Raul's Very Special Slurpee & Nudie Christmas (Information & Download)
Raul - Raul's Very Special Slurpee & Nudie Christmas (Information & Download)
Raul - Raul's Very Special Slurpee & Nudie Christmas (Direct Download)
Raul - Raul's Very Special Slurpee & Nudie Christmas (Direct Download)