All kinds of shit. But mostly boring stuff like philosophy, computers, games, paranormal crap, psychology, sports, girls, and ... well, maybe the last two things aren't boring, but that may be it heh.
Anyone really. Just no weird Christians who think Jesus was born in 1492 (trust me, I've met a couple), I usually like everyone though. :)
Well, everything except hick country and too much booty shaking rap. Everything else is game. Rock is preferred.
I'll pretty much like or laugh at every movie. I'm partial to cartoons and action films.
National Geographic, Cartoon Network, History Channel, Old movie channels, ESPN, HBO at 11 PM or so (just kidding). Told you I'm boring. :P
I'm too illiterate. Currently rediscovering the English vocabulary, testing my knowledge of words on a book called, "Mars".
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