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It is only one move to the truth. Most people make many to win the game but when the game is won and

About Me

Myspace Editor
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My Interests

Pan, laughter, gnosis


silence...but anything that moves the serpent up to the luna, then solar sphere. Master Musicians of Joujouka etc


Revolver, the one we're in..etc




Magick Book 4(liber ABA) Aleister Crowley, anything else that raises the serpent unto the cup.


Crowley, Spare, Bertiaux, Grant, Fortune, Buddha, Francis Firebrace, Christ, Pan, Eheieh, Genesis P. Orridge, Homer Simpson, ISIS...etc

My Blog

The stone that Slew Goliath

And on the 8th day I beheld the most Holy one, all-permeating, all brilliance,  that no man hath seen And all bowed before Her, burnt up in ecstasy, in joyful death For all could not overcome Him...
Posted by Alex on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 12:07:00 PST

The Hermetic Qabalah, an overview

  by Alex Caird                  The following essay was originally written in response to a friend's request for an ove...
Posted by Alex on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:39:00 PST

The path described according to the grades layed over the Qabalistic Tree of Life

  1=10 The crown is the kingdom..the goal is stated. The goal is vague because it is as yet unknowable, but something stirs within spurring the aspirant to seek. No religion has the right to forc...
Posted by Alex on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 06:58:00 PST