Metabolic Adaptation profile picture

Metabolic Adaptation

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Check out our MA Coach Program MA COACH , The goal of Metabolic Adaptation is to offer the most effective supplements based on the most current scientific evidence. The days of guessing if this or that nutritional supplement will work or not, is over. Metabolic Adaptation offers nutritional supplements with effectiveness and efficacy in mind, but most importantly, with scientific evidence as the foundation. Leaders in the medical field, the research and development field, and the nutritional supplementation field have come together to offer the latest scientific information and nutritional supplements for performance and physique enhancement. We're not just lab geeks either. Team Metabolic Adaptation uses the products they design to enhance their own training and physique.Check out our pics and videos frequently. We will constantly update them. Metabolic Adaptation !

My Interests

Research, education, training, improving healthcare in the USA, teaching people that every abdominal infomercial doesn't work, eventually have our own infomercial just to tell people not to buy anything from other infomercials.

I'd like to meet:


Those interested in enhancing their sport or recreational performance. Those who are tired of supplements that don't work. Those who question everything and then seek answers. Those who think for themselves. Those who have dreams and aspirations above the mundane and almighty dollar. Those who believe one person CAN make a difference. Those who refuse to give up. Those who dedicate their time to their body AND mind. Those who encourage others to reach their dreams.




What the bleep went down the rabbit hole


If you want to support the truth in nutrition, supplementation, and training, email us at [email protected] for the html code for our banner and be in the drawing to receive a month's supply of all of our products


Think and grow rich (it's not about money). I Ching, RW Emerson, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Tao of jeet kune do


Nate Quarry, Marco Perazzo and Master Kirby, Bruce Lee, Jet Li

My Blog

Ask your workout and nutrition questions here please

We have been getting numerous messages about workouts, supplements, and nutrition programs. Some common questions are: 1. How do I get rid of my mid section fat? 2. How do I train for size and or stre...
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:26:00 PST

Supplement updates

The long awaited Inflamin in finally in! Stay tuned as I will be posting amazing facts about the product and how it can help you. 
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 08:18:00 PST

Effects of caffeine on muscle glycogen utilization and the neuroendocrine axis during exercise.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Jun;85(6):2170-5 To examine the effect of caffeine ingestion on muscle glycogen utilization and the neuroendocrine axis during exercise, we studied 20 muscle glycogen-...
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 10:16:00 PST

Is your NO product breaking down your joints?

Nitric Oxide products are very popular right now. They all use some form of L-Arginine, a precursor to Nitric Oxide, to give you better pumps / blood flow during a workout. I'm sure anyone who has tri...
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:34:00 PST

Here is the details of the MA Coach program

Everything starts with a purpose for a goal. The goal of Metabolic Adaptation is to provide anyone who takes their training seriously with the necessary nutrients to maximize their result from their e...
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 09:21:00 PST

Can Acetyl-L-Carnitine improve motivation?

According to a recent research article Arch Ital Biol. 2006 Feb;144(1):33-43Rats given Acetly-L-Carnitine showed "powerfully enhanced motor behavior and head movements aimed at attention and explorato...
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 12:36:00 PST

Strength Coaches and Personal Trainers should make more money

Strength coaches and Personal Trainers who really love what they do generally are not making six figures. They help people physically and usually psychologically as well, but are not compensated like ...
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 07:44:00 PST

Do you share the same passion as I ?

As head of research and development for Metabolic Adaptation, I am in charge of staying on top of the science behind exercise science, nutrition, and physiology. I'm that guy who reads journal article...
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 02:40:00 PST

Do your workouts suck or do they inspire others

 We are looking for individuals who's workouts send shivers down other's spine, who's intensity in the gym scare others, and who's zen-like focus during a set impresses a buddhist monk. Yes, we w...
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 08:29:00 PST

Taking on the world of nutrition and supplementation

I was told, "one person can't make a difference" at my office one day. I laughed and angrily said, "I guess you haven't heard of people like Rosa Parks". Why do I reflect on this event in my life? Wel...
Posted by Metabolic Adaptation on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 11:38:00 PST