Kayaking and politics
I'd like to meet:
5th District voters; you can register to vote in Oklahoma, right now click hereIndividuals who can give me a minute of time, and a $1 campaign donation, I take paypal at www.SendMeABuck.com.If you live in the 5th district, or Oklahoma City area, I'd like to meet you, check my calander. Otherwise pass me onto your friends and keep checking updates on myspace for how to help. Watch the videos I've already posted.
Will voting matter in the 'New American Century'?
Although we ask our fellow citizens to kill and die in the name of freedom and democracy around the world, only a minority of Americans actually vote. Now with the introduction of electronic voting machines it has become obvious that our fragile democracy is even more vulnerable to crime and corruption. Eisenhower warned us that we need a informed and alert public; that public must also demand that we have fair and open elections.
9-04-06-Fox-25-Interview with Oklahoma Congressional Candidate Matthew Horton Woodson
Oklahoma's 5th district Independent Candidate Matthew Horton Woodson, interviewed by Fox 25 Andrew Speno. This is the 1st time that thousands of Oklahoman residents have had the opportunity to watch the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on broadcast television since 9/11/01. Visit www.SendMeABuck.com to donate to Woodson's campaign.
Sen. Edwards avoids question about 9/11
I should take my own advice and ask harder questions…Sen. Edwards, quite possible will be our next President, but on this day he had nothing to say about the biggest issue facing this country…9/11 being an inside job.Mr. Edwards suggest I contact Pete Eskra to get a comment about 9/11. I contacted Mr. Eskra, and asked him for a comment about World Trade Center 7, but haven’t heard back yet. I encourage you contact him at:
[email protected] Phone: (202) 955-4511 Fax: (202) 548-4608
Dylan Avery - Director of Loose Change Endorses Congressional Candidate Woodson
Hi, I'm Matthew Horton Woodson I became a candidate for U.S. Congress partly because of watching Loose Change. Watch it at www.SeeLooseChange.com.I believe we need an informed public to defend against the military, industrial, congressional, media complex.Do what you can...just $1 from you will help me get this message to the floor of the US Capital. I will use it to educate the people of Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District. You can donate up to $2,100, please contact me first.If you believe in Truth, Trust, and Transparency in Government then please donate.
Arkansas Canoe Club - 'Surf & Turf' - Malvern, AR
Footage from '05 & '06, enjoy...please support the sponsors of this event...www.ArkansasCanoeClub.com...and producers of this video...www.StallGear.net
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America is the nation's first and largest group dedicated to the Troops and Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the civilian supporters of those Troops and Veterans. For more information, please visit us at www.iava.org.
St. Mark's Church - 12/11/2005
An interview with a firefighter from a screening of Loose Change at St. Mark's Church on 12-11-2005.
Why we Fight (must see), Corporation, Supersize This, Hudsucker Proxy, Delicatessan
Lee Hamilton - Takes questions about 9/11 - CSPAN 5/26/05
Lee Hamilton, 9/11 Commission co-chair on people critical of their report,“let them come forward with their evidence and make their argument in the public arena“. Mr. Hamilton's comment is one of the reasons I've decided to run for office in the 'public arena'.
Charlie Sheen is a good guy. Ali G
Being Good - Hsing Yun, Politics the Wellstone Way
Dr. Steven Jones, David Ray Griffin, 1st responders and our troops