Rock art, baking, modeling, event planning, interior decorating, karaoke, painting wild ducks, hunting, popsicle stick art, schizophrenics, bunny farm, numerology, sand art, spelling bees, fashion, basket weaving, midget tossing, skiing, figure skating
Anything with an accompanying banjo symphony
The Bible, the Dictionary, Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, The sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Babysitters club, Chicken soup for the teenage soul, Investing for Dummies, Little Women, In cold blood, The complete works of Hans Christian Anderson, Hair fashions: the new metrosexual guide to stylish haircuts, The bhagavad gita
HeMan, Captain Planet, dinosaurs, Cher, Tom & Jerry (of Tom & Jerry ice cream), Tim Burton, Celine Dion's 3rd backup singer from the left, whoever invented post its, my parents, Ben Franklin, the two guys from Myth Busters, Neil Postman, the last pope, trees, Castro, whoever coined the word "hemoglobin", Donald Duck