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the bible in rev chapter 1 verse 14 and 15 clearly states that jesus has hair like wool and feet like brass as if it were burn in the oven. brass is brown but once you burn it, it becomes really black. he was a descendant from king david and king david had a son solomon. in solomon 1 verse 5 he said he was black, if the son is black then the father(david) is black. not to mention mary was a egyptian woman, egypt means black! so word is bond jesus of the bible is a blackman!
great cd by paris, if you don't know about him you better ask somebody! he's been in the rap game since 1989 representing the true hiphop. hip POP has ruin the rap game. propaganda mind controlled club music ain't saying shit, talking about shake your ass thats all we hear. but now its paris bringing the real. on this front cd cover you see a jet plane flying into the white house!! i like that whole idea, its real! george kerry sorry i mean john bush or is his name arnold? but word is bond you get the same shit from all these guys all they give us is the crumbs from the table that fall to the floor. its time to wake up and take control. there is more of us then there is them. we have to be like that jet plane(power) and kick down the dam door and get out freedom, justice and equality. its the only way! word is bond, once again you have my man paris behind a tree with a gun getting ready to put a few rounds into bush! this is a great cd, and the cd cover is one of the best in my opinion in hiphop! yes this is what happens when you drop bombs on other nations. the after effect is radiation mutation through birth. cancer has gone up they say a almost a 1000% if thats possible so called jews, signing the bombs before they are dropped on man, woman and children(babies)
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DO THE KNOWLEDGE AIDS IS MAN MADE i keep it raw living organic vegan!! eating right is the key to good health. all animal products is a dead animal corpse. there is no such thing as fresh meat. they put chemicals in there to slow the decay and also they paint it up with dyes and perfumes mmmm!! that sounds good. but word is bond once you kill anything it begins to rot, nothing fresh about ground up dead cow or dead chickens with sir i do not want any hot dogs or bologna that have all the rejected poor parts of the animals which include tumors, lips, testicles, eyes, lungs guts...ect. i wonder why people get sick with cancer and other diseases. put one and one together and you'll get your answer.why you drinking milk? i thought it was for babies? no i do not want pastuerized milk that has been cooked. raw fresh milk contains white blood cells because every living thing is made up of cells and raw milk contains the enzyme lactase which breaks down lactose that milk sugar. so lactose intolerant people can drink raw milk with no problem! but its still breast milk for calves, just like you wouldn't drink dogs or cats milk why cows milk? so once you pasteurize milk it kills all the white blood cells and a dead white blood cell is called a pus cell (somatic cells) an average 8 oz cup of milk contains over a million PUS CELLS!! think about that the next time you drink a nice cold glass of dead cows milk filled with pus and people wonder why you get mucus and nose clogs and sinus infections. drink organic fresh green juice i juice almost everyday i use celery, cucumber, parsly, kale...ect. a cow gets big on grass and so do apes so thats where i get my strength from. the human body is only meant to eat live organic raw vegan foods. this book is one of the best i read in the field. great book by the messenger of allah (elijah muhammad) he drops knowledge. the knowledge of self, knowledge of other then self and who god really is which is my favorite chapter the first chapter, who is that mystery god? if we are made in his image and after his likeness then what does that tell us? god is a man and not a spook in the sky. the woman is a goddess(earth). read matthew 5:9 psalms 82:6 and john 10:34 where it all says that man is god. but better yet get the book, or your a punk thats gonna get beat down haha!! great book on how the american goverment is involved in almost of all the worlds affairs and how they put dictators in powers. is there where our tax dollars go? it goes mostly to war, but yet theres never no money to help feed the poor or help people to get homes who have no homes. canada has free health care, cuba has free health care. but ameriKKKa what a joke.very interesting book from a school of a different thought, teaches that nothing is real, we are living a dream. everything is made from atoms and atoms are not solid, so therefore nothing is solid. why can people walk on fire , stick needles in there body or kung fu masters break so-called solid cement stone with their bare hands? its because according to this book nothing is solid and what we think is solid is really an illusion of the mind. these people know that everything is made from atoms which is not solid and therefore are not trapped in the 5 sense reailty. great book
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