Allah Jihad ! profile picture

Allah Jihad !

A Holy War with the beast with 7 heads !

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
We the members of the Nation of Gods & Earths also known as the Five Percenters are not religiously inclined, nor are we an organization. We are a nation of Black People who possess knowledge and understanding of ourselves (as a people) and who thrive to teach our people who they are and what their purpose in this life is. We teach of the culture of the Black man the way we feel that it should, by way of mathematics. Mathematics is the foundation of all things in existence and the manifestation of the origin of all things in existence. Our concept of God, is that we as being the Original man, the Asiatic Black Man, is the true and living God on this planet known as Earth. Our Black Bodies are the physical manifestation of the existence of the Supreme Being known as Allah. Allah being all Black People as a whole. Our different character traits, capabilities etc., are the many Godly attributes & powers that compose the Supreme God, Allah. Our main theme is to teach others the true knowledge of themselves and to instill the long absent pride that has been missing in the Black Man in AmeriKKKa for over 400 years. To teach them their true culture now known as Islam and not as a religion. In hopes of building a nation of strong, wise and disciplined Black People so we may someday win back our now forgotten Freedom, Justice, and Equality of ourselves. We too believe in separation, but only the separation of positive and negative, right from wrong, God from Devil. We unlike others, do not believe in separating ourselves from Black People who do not make manifest the attributes of people with knowledge of themselves, and who constantly die wrapped up in the ways and actions of uncivilized beings, but instead we practice our teachings, by staying in the pit of oppression and the hells to constantly be among our people and help to give them what is necessary to help raise them from the hells of iniquity and falsehood, into the heavens of truth and Black Justice. Our main primary students are the young. We lean on the proper development of our Black Children and women very heavily. We live and teach today, for the true and just Freedom of our children tomorrow. We stress the importance of education to all we teach. As all things in existence is based on a particular science we feel that we are obligated to learn and fully understand all existing sciences, so that we can properly deal with all given situations at any given time and therefore become a self-sustaining Nation of people. We are in essence a Nation of people who are striving for the total Freedom of our people here in the Wilderness of North AmeriKKKa as well as all over the planet. We are a Freedom People.
Allah Jihad
Elder/1st. born of C-Medina (Chicago)
One of the most important thing in a Black Person life is " Knowledge of Self " because I don't care about your level of education or your degrees from Harvard or Yale, if you don't have Knowledge of self then you are: Deaf, Dumb and Blind which is the triple stages of darkness (ignorance). Just because you pick up a book on AfriKan AmeriKKKan His-Story doesn't mean your now mentally aware and most certainly not conscious. I was taught that knowledge is power while growing up. Although once I received a certain degree of Knowledge of self I learned that Knowledge is not power. Only ' Applied Knowledge ' is Power! You have to apply the Knowledge you have in order to get something out of it. Light Travels at 186,000 miles per sec. Sound Travels at 1,120 feet per sec. Sound is measured by Vibrations, there's a vibration of Sound & Light shacking the Black Community and it is accepted by the Black Youth. Its not the watered down Gospel(god spell) of Christ and its not wearing a towel around your head facing the east praying to the sun god, no not another spooked out religion. This Vibration shocked the streets of Harlem in New York in 1964 and now traveling at the terrific speed that the minds eye can only detect; its traveled outside of the U.S. and impacted music, mainly the hip hop community. What is it? Who is it? Its not a Mystery; Its the Science of Mathematics!
Allah Jihad
Elder/1st. born of C-Medina (Chicago)
If your in Chicago,Contact us toll free at:
1(866)206-9069 Ext. 5302..
[email protected]

My Interests

Giving the blind man sight. Giving those who have sight, sight beyond sight. V.S.K. Jiu Jitsu, Vee Jitsu Ryu, Sanuces Ryu, Kumite Ryu


Create your own video at One True Media


I've read many books from the art of war to Behold a pale horse, my book is the best:

My Blog

Do you really know Allah Jihad?

Peace,    I come in the name of Allah Jihad, I am the 1st nine born of C-Medina(Chicago) in that order. I was born in this Nation and April will make 31 years I've been here. I named Ch...
Posted by Allah Jihad ! on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:01:00 PST

Lets pause for a station identification !

Note: the pic of my Gun had to be removed because 2 brothas by the name of Reality Blacksword Allah and Wise Divine Allah both in Chicago, reported my profile and me as being a terriorist and a threat...
Posted by Allah Jihad ! on Sun, 30 Oct 2005 07:17:00 PST

What happened to Conscious Rap ?

Peace,  I love and miss the 80s era in Hip Hop, there was so many conscious MCs such as Public Enemy, Poor Righteous Teachers, X-Clan, Brand Nubians, Kwame, King Sun and many more. I remember...
Posted by Allah Jihad ! on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 04:17:00 PST