Reading, Movies, and adding on what is right and taking away that bad situation.
One who thinks.......
Az, Nas, Brand Nubian, Common, The 5% Album, OutKast, The Lox, Bob Marley, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Wu-Tang Clan, TI, The Game, Kay Slay, Big Mike and DJ-Envy, The Firm, Jay-Z and DJ Clue.
Introduction to African Civilization by Jhon G. Jackson Sex and Race Vol. 1, Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 by J.A.Rodgers, The History Of Elijah Muhammad Vol. 1, God And The New Physics by Paul Davies, The Origin of Races and Color by Martim R. Delany, History of the First Council Of Nice by Dean Dudley, The Divine Sayings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Yakub And The Orgins Of White Supremacy by Dorothy Blake Fardan, PH.D., Freemasonry Interpreted by Martin L. Wagner, Frederick Douglass "An American Slave" by himself, Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust by Jhon Henrik Clarke, Our Savior Has Arrived by Elijah Muhammad, METU NETER Vol. 1, METU NETER Vol. 2, The Coumbus Conspiracy by Jhon Henrik Clarke, Message To The Blackman In America by Elijah Muhammad, The Fall Of America by Elijah Muhammad, Nature Knows No Color-Line by J. A. Rogers, Dictionary, Che Guevara The Legend, The Merriam Webster Thesaurus and Toussaint l'overture .