hip hop music/culture, poetry, reading, writing, elevating my mind......
anyone free to talk....
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hip-hop,r&b, neo soul
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Casino, goodfellas, antwon fisher, the last dragon, shaolin & wutang: wutang invasion, napoleon dynamite, african documentaries etc...too many to name....karate flicks, drama, horror, documentaries..etc..
Csi, educational shows, anything funny....Martin..etc...documentaries..Autospy shows. ..I worked in a morgue...what do you expect..lol
my escape from slavery, from niggas to gods, why i love black women, from the browder files, stolen legacy...etc..too too many to name... MySpace Comments MySpace Codes
che guevara, hallie sellasie, marcus garvey, malcolm x, martin, Nat Turner, harriet tubman, sojourner truth, Those truth exposers who are often hated yet loved, those who remain unmentioned yet strive daily to enlighten our people, the countless people that died whose names are never even whisphered, and most of all my Mom & Dad....