Reelph@t © profile picture

Reelph@t ©

The Pinnacle. Period.

About Me

Reelphat Media Groupâ„¢
In keeping it simplistic, I am a music producer and recording studio owner from NE Ohio. I am also the CEO of Reelphat Media Group. Additionally, I have the most beautiful kids a parent could ever be blessed with! They are the center of my world. I am the son of a mother who is a school teacher and a pastor. As well, I have 8 sisters and a brother whom, I love dearly.
This was sent to me by my sister Anisi. She is my baby, my heart, my twin and she's the one out my 8 sisters that can finish my sentences!
"Ummmm... looks like you have lots of try hards and die hards on your site. That's cute. But if they can't understand the importance of the following, you might consider hitting the power locks to Jodyland:
1. God in all His realness
2. Kheavan in all his
3. The bond we share that is such that, it is almost ridiculous to even verbalize
4. Mountain Dew, Mom's food, and Dad's ham (woo! ham!)
5. All the reasons why quartet gospel will never die
6. Fred Flintstone's water buffalo password
7. Why being a Daniels means something
8. The importance of dressing in such a way that, it might be considered terrorism by lesser individuals
9. Why we shun the ones who try too hard
10. If you cannot recite at least 20 In Living Color episodes word for word, just be gone.
Love and things, Your sis"
I couldn't have said ANY of this better myself. If you ever question how I think or what's important to me, my sister Anisi would know better than anyone. And yes, she IS the "Gatekeeper!" LOL
*DISCLAIMER* This page is NOT Clown Central. I will not be tolerating any disrespect or drama. Do not allow yourself to fall into the aforementioned realm. Please and thank you.
~The Management
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(Click the artist name to access their myspace page)
The Joint- "Take It Off" & "Going Back To Cali"
The Jointz- All 4 Tracks Listed
(The Ohio Players site is currently under construction)

My Interests

My family, education, politics, the social landscape, music(production & recording), sports(Dallas Cowboys, Cleveland Cavaliers, Browns, & Indians, Ohio State Buckeyes, & Youngstown St. University) movies(comedies and horror are a must), business, comedy, and last but, not least, shopping. Yeah, I love my shopping for shoes and gear!

Reelphat Reps The Dallas Cowboys

Reelphat Exclusively Rocks Nothing But The Swoosh(Shox, 180s & 360s)

I'd like to meet:

Ummmmm, I am not too sure that I am hung up on meeting anyone in particular. Of course, and eventually, Jesus but, other than that......Raven might be a decent choice. Or, hanging with Dave Chappelle might prove that we are BOTH clowns and worthy of matching straight jackets! Lastly, it is ALWAYS nice to meet Ben Franklin at the bank!


Stuff I produce, perhaps??? Well, I am interested in a wide variety of genres. From gospel to R & B to hip hop to jazz, classical, and yes, even country. If it's well put together, I am generally, at LEAST, going to listen...


Too many to name but, some of my favs: Coming To America, The Fletch Series, Harlem Nights.....yeah, stuff like that!


History, Discovery, and Discovery Times Channels. Also, Comedy Central...


Wow....I CAN'T READ!!!!!! *Breaking out like, one tear in the corner of my eye and looking around to see if I am getting sympathy* Ummmm, it depends. I was always a short stories fan so, I LOVE Edgar Allan Poe material. As well, Stephen, The Langoliers type material...


Jesus, My Mother(Love you, Rosie!), My Dad(Now there YOU go!), My Sister, Pastor and soon to be Doctor Anisi Daniels-Smith(Nobody can make the "set book" send folks to rehab like WE can!), her husband & my greatest male friend, Pastor Arnold K. "Bishop" Smith, Jr(Somebody needs a "work up!"), and Adriane Clarett(Just stick it and jug it! lol.) She is the "mostest bestest friend/mother/clown" anyone could have. Thank you for ALL that you do. Being a mother to our son is just ONE of the many fantastic things about you. My baby/daughter, Shay Jarmon. You are the MOST beautiful daughter a father can have(you STILL look like your fraternal dad, though!LOL.) I love you for the way you love me, sweetie. I don't know if I am more proud of you or you're more proud of me. Either way, it works for me/us!!! My son, Ke'Ondre McDowell. I have watched you grow beyond obstacle after obstacle and I am continuously amazed by you & your steadfast spirit. To describe you as incredible would be a gross understatement. My son, Kheavan Sean Daniels(Yes, you have been, are, and will ALWAYS be MY dude, baby!) Always remember, "it's the brotha man, NOT the otha man!" Daddy loves you more than I have time to show. You changed me from a "good guy" into a fantastic father and man and I can never thank you for just being my beautiful, smart, witty, loving, God fearing, & smoove out "Sexy for a 7 year old" son!!!