The MySpace About Me Survey
-= Tell Us About Yourself =-
Name: Luke McCarthy
Birthday: 01/04/1979
How old do you act: 27
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Current location: Waverly, VA
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color and Length: Blond/Short
Height: 5..'6.."
Your Heritage: Irish
What’s Your Middle Name: John
Shoes You Wore Today: Green ones..
Your Weakness:
Your Fear:
Have You Ever Ridden A Mechanical Bull: Nope
Do You Want To: ?
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Lose more weight.
First Thought When You Wake Up: Will I take the world over today?
Best Physical Feature: Face
Best Character Feature: Humor
Who Is Your Bestest Friend: None
When Is Your Bedtime: 10ish
Your Most Cherished Memory:
Pepsi or Coke: Pepis
McDonalds or Burger King: Neither
Single or Group Dates: Single
What Is The Last Song You Sang: The Lonely Goatherd..Sound of Music.. LOL
Does Playing A Guitar Make A Girl/Guy More Attractive: Yes...
What Is Your Biggest Pet Peeves: Humans...
Do You Drink: Not in awhile
Ever Been Drunk: O yes
Do You Smoke: Yes
Do You “Smokeâ€: Nooooo.
Do You Sing: When no one is around.
What Color Underwear Do You Have On: White
Do You Want To Go To College: Nope
Have You Ever Been In Love: Yes
Do You Want To Get Married: ....
Do You Believe In Yourself: Sure
Do You Believe In Others: Sometimes
Do You Like Thunderstorms: YES
Do You Play an Instrument: Piano
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: Ruler of the World
What Country Would You Like To Visit: Australia
How Many CD’s Do you Own: none...IPOD
How Many DvD’s Do You Own: a few...but I rent most through Netflix
How Many Tattoo’s Do You Have: None
How Many Piercings Do You Have: None
How Many Things In You Past Do You Regret: A few
-= Favorites =-
Favorite Shoes: Don..'t care
Favorite Radio Station: Q94
Favorite Drink Pepsi
Favorite Car: Don..'t care
Favorite Place: Home
Favorite Song: None at the moment
Favorite Movie: All Matrix..'s movies
Favorite Moment: None at the moment
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Meal: Potatoes...any
-= Right Now =-
Right Now, What Is Todays Date: 01/01/2007
Right Now, What Time Is It: 5:11PM
Right Now, Who Are You Thinking Of: How long it..'s taking to finish this!
Right Now, What Are You Listening To: WAVY TV 10
Right Now, Do You Love Some One: Nope
Right Now, Does Someone Love You: Who knows
Right Now, Do You Know Where Your Mechanical Bull Is: Nope
Right Now, Is It Raining: Yes
Right Now, How Many MySpace Friends Do You Have: 614
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