Silver Ballz® profile picture

Silver Ballz®

Got Ballz?

About Me

I am from Cleveland, Ohio. I love being around, as well as meeting new people. Music is everything love is not. Graphic Design is a passion of mine. The x-mas season excites me. I treat animals like friends. I treat friends like family. I'm not ready to have children but I'm going to be a damn good father. Stick Shift + Steering Wheel = Speeding Ticket. My accomplishments far exceed my mistakes... My mistakes far exceed every one's expectations. I think tanning is one of the most euphoric forms of relaxation. My idea of Paradise consist of a lover, sand, sun, salt water. A fine ingredient to an amazing life.
If you have ME on ur TOP LIST please let me know
P.S. I hate Chicken's!
Add me Y! Messenger: xxx_silver_ballz_xxx
MSN Messenger: [email protected]
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My Interests

People I stand & love: Intelligent people; responsible people; people who treat other's how they want to be treated; people who respect other's; people from other culture's; people who love to learn; people who can sing; people with talent's; people who know they can be anyone or anything they want to be; people who go out of there way to help someone else; people who work hard for some thing they want; people who know what they want and go out and get it; people who accomplish good things; positive people; people who stand up for them selves and others; good role models; people who believe in some sort of "Higher Power"; people who shoot for the stars and follow there dreams; people who fight for what they beleieve in; people who speek there mind; people who believe all people have rights; people who avoid war when possible; people who shine; rock stars; porn stars; punks; hippies; hacker's; pirates; graphic designers; programmers; musicians; artist's; creative people; old people; little people; clean people; strong people; people that set goals and do anything it takes to accomplish them; people who do the right thing regardless of what other people think; mature people; fellow animal lovers; people that love to talk (not about them selves); people with a high self esteem; people who have pride country there country (not necessarily there government); people who believe they can accomplish anything regardless of how hard it may seem; people who focus on the future; people who try to make the world a better place; people who care; males who respect females; people who are not afraid of being them selves; people who stand out; good parents; people who pull over on the side of the road to help some one else out; people who love people; people who volunteer; people who read my profile!

People I CANT stand: Stupid or ignorant people; people who lie; people who lie all of the time (constantly for no reason other than for attention); people who cant spell and do nothing to correct this problem; people who spam my comment's with anything malicious, distasteful, or offending; people who try to control other people; people who intentionally misspell 20% or more of there sentences just too look cool; people who can't drive and who don't really care about there passenger's lives or the lives of others on the road; people who are prejudice; dead beat parent's; bullies; snobby people; stuck up people; people who think there better than everyone else; people who pick there nose in public; girls who fart or talk about it (GIRLS DONT POO!!! plain & simple so don't say I didn't warn you) ; people who bitch constantly about the same damn thing all of the time; people who use other people; people who think only of them selves; people who mooch off of there friend's; (family is fine!); males who are gay and hit on me after I make it known that I'm 100% straight; Celebrities, Professional Athletes; Politicians; or anyone who set's a bad example for children & teen's; people who knowingly contradict themselves; hypocrite's; religious hypocrite's; dirty people; stinky people; the dominate male who gets off on making women feel like shit just because a real man would kick his ass if he tried the same crap on him; people who bash God; people who disrespect the Bible; males who hit females, today's want to be "gangster's"; mothers who use child support money for everything except there children; people who beat there kids or there partner's kids; 50yr old men who hit on 16yr girls; people who disrespect other people; annoying people; people who waste my time; people who don't tip a good waitress/waiter; females who just want to fuck; females who don't care about who they fuck as long as there hot; females who have slept with more than 20 guys in the past 5 years; females under the age of 18 who have slept with more than 10 people; people who take things for granted; people who live in the past; raciest; people who hate America (unless the citizens of the United States stand up for what is right then we have no control as to what our government does, if anything hate our government & NOT the innocent people who live here!) ; people who try and take other peoples right's away; people who don't read my damn profile!

I'd like to meet:


Mrs. Eaton

Coming Soon!!!

Myspace Top 100:
Coming Soon!!!


Coming Soon!!!


Coming Soon!!!


Coming Soon!!!


Coming Soon!!!

My Blog

Myspace Attacks Adder Bots!

MYSPACE FIGHTS BACK!Why are all the adder pages going off line? First Space Promoter, then eSolutions, then Space Station, and last night, .. and Adder Robot! I tried to contact the owners of .. and S...
Posted by Silver Ballz® on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 01:04:00 PST

Seven Deadly Sins

WrathWho did you last get angry with?MyselfWhat is your weapon of choice?Battle AxeWould you hit a member of the opposite sex?In a life or death situation maybe!How about the same sex?Just give me a g...
Posted by Silver Ballz® on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:19:00 PST

Sign Pic's

I Love Sign Pics!.........
Posted by Silver Ballz® on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 06:22:00 PST

AutoBio: Part 3, Chapter 3 [The Hole]

(Notes: ending of ch3, beginning of ch4. orginal posting can be found at My entire life I have carried a shovel. I dig I dig. Sweat pours down my body like the way wax drips down a ca...
Posted by Silver Ballz® on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 08:02:00 PST

51 Things About Guys that Girls DON'T Understand!

Subject: 51 things about guys that girls dont know1. Real men hate sluts.2. "Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.3. Guy...
Posted by Silver Ballz® on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 11:37:00 PST

Quotes to Live By

"I can place myself anywhere in space or time.I can summon the dead.I can perceive events on other worlds,In my deepest inner mind,And in the minds of others,I can, I am"~ by Jim Morrison ~...
Posted by Silver Ballz® on Mon, 01 May 2006 11:20:00 PST