R a c e R x X x profile picture

R a c e R x X x

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people t

About Me

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Full Name: David blah blah blah
Nicknames: if you know me, you know 'em
Weight: hmmmm, dunno

Hair Color: dark brown

Do you like to sing in the shower: if there's a good tune on maybe
Do you like to sing on the toilet: nah uh
Birth date: FEB 1st
Favorite color: depends but mostly blue
City: of Dope
State: So. Cal.
Sex: all the time
Righty or lefty: Righty
What do u want in a relationship: kind of a complicated question for this little box!
Have you ever cheated: yes
Do you have ur license: several
Do you have a car: nope, I have a truck
Movies: that I can think of right now ... Hamburger Hill and others
TV Shows: the O.C.
Actor: Bruce Willis
Actress: Lucy Liu
Food: Sushi
Number: 7
Cartoon: Simpsons
Disney Character: Pluto
Do you want to get married: duh!
How old do you want to be when you have ur 1st child: who cares
How old do you want to be when you get married: again, who cares
Would you have kids before you get married: Don't want to
Do you have a bf/gf: nope
Do you have a crush: eh ... not really
~*~*My Preference*~*~
Music/TV: Music
Green/Blue: Blue
Pink/Purple: Purple
Fall/Spring: Spring
Summer/Winter: Summer
Night/Day: ALL DAY
Hangin Out/Chillen: yup yup
Dopey/Funny: combo of both
~*~*All About You*~*~
Weird saying: dunno
Favorite Saying: "dumb ass"
School you go to: Cal Poly
Have you ever taken drugs: who hasn't
Whats a major turn on for you: lace up sandles or hills (on a girl of course!)
How far would you go on a first date: depends
~*~*The Person You Know Who Is...*~*~
Most Blonde: a real blonde? Shannon
Funniest: Alex
Best Person: Mom & Dad & Grandma
Nicest: Sachiko
Which people are you open with and trust the most: no one you know
What do you think of soul mates: where is she?
What was the last thing you cried or got teary eyed about: can't remember
Strangest: Marissa
Are you happy: jes
What's an object you can't live without: I don't obsess over shit like that
Love or lust: Love
Silver or gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: Diamond
Sunset or sunrise: Sunrise
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: yes
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: hell no!
Do you have any piercings: nope
What color underwear are you wearing right now: blue boxers
What song are u listening to right now: City of Dope ~ Too Short
What are the last digits of your phone number: 976*
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: Back to Phuket or Okinawa or Hawaii
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: face and or butt
Favorite sport: NFL 49ers! 5 time world champs!
What makes you happy: a lot of stuff
What's the next cd your going to get: cd? get with the times! 'DOWNLOAD'
Do you wear glasses or contacts: do Oakley's count?
What's the best advice ever given to you: Don't sweat anything man can through at you
Have you won any special awards: quite a few actually
What are your future goals: live happy
Worst sickness: Bronchitis!
Do you like funny or scary movies better: war movies!
On the phone or in person: for what?
Hugs or kisses: with who?
What song seems to reflect you the most: get back to me on that
If you died tomorrow who would you leave your stuff to: family
Do you have any enemies: I dunno, if I don't like someone, I don't talk to them
What is your greatest fear: 'FEAR NOT'
Would you rather be rich or famous: Rich pHuk famous
What time is it in Albania right now: who cares?
If you had only 24 hrs left to live, who would you spend them with: family and friends
Have you met Santa: yep, several of them!
If e.t knocked on your door holding a peace sign asking to use your phone, what would you do: take pictures with him!
When was the last time you talked to the person you liked: don't like anyone right now
Do you have any pets: yes
Last time you were depressed: dunt remember
Are you an alcoholic: anyhone who drinks regularly is one
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Beer
How far have you gone with a guy/girl: lame ass question! I don't kiss & tell
Favorite day of the week: Saturday
Mood right now: content
Who sent this to you: found it on Faye's page
What do u think of the person you found this from: She's a cutie pie!
Do you want your friends to write back: well if I write them then yes dumb ass!
Do you like this survey: eh ... so so

My Interests


I'd like to meet:




