Hooray For Me (R.I.P) profile picture

Hooray For Me (R.I.P)


About Me

bAbout Us

Hooray For Me are a four-piece rock band from Guildford in Surrey. They have a driving passion for writing and playing their blend of melodic rock and power-pop, which they have been creating and refining since 2001. They have a collective belief that the current trend of bands playing scream-driven rock is becoming very boring and predictable and is destroying any sense of individuality formerly associated with rock music. They believe that melody and feeling should prevail in an ideal rock song, the kind of melody and feeling that causes goosebumps and makes you shiver when you hear it. Hooray For Me pride themselves on putting real thought into the creation of their work by utilising inventive structures, emotional and powerful melodies, thought-provoking and often cryptic lyrics and imaginative relationships between all the instruments.

The result is an inspiring blend of easy listening, powerful pop-rock with a little bit extra to keep things interesting. Their live performance is a powerful, energetic force which both gets people moving and also inspires people to become lost in their thoughts as they stand and truly listen to the music, a trait in rock that nowadays is becoming more and more scarce. Whatever the outcome, Hooray For Me guarantees to leave a lasting impression and a smile on your face.


"Reminiscent of the more melodic bands on the American label Victory. I could see these guys winning over fans of Hawthorne Heights, Bayside and The Audition."
- The Ataris

"There seems to be a few bands coming out of the woodwork with well produced melodic rock records now - Hooray For Me stand out from the pack. Hooray For Me have refined their sound into a melodic haven of pop-rock efforts, complete with catchy choruses and extremely strong melodies... All three songs on this sampler are excellent; they all follow similar patterns yet remain catchy and will have you tapping along in no time. The cracking 'Autumn Eyes' is arguably the standout, a sweet hook and some cracking vocals really drawing you in. In previous years I've felt this is a type of music that UK artists struggle to compete with their US counterparts, but as long as bands such as this record songs as good as these, the future is in very good hands indeed."
- Punktastic.com

“Sit up and take notice of Hooray for Me. The tracks we have listened to are complete and polished, providing a clean crisp sound, which makes great ear candy… Autumn Eyes is a melodic punk masterpiece that works in every way.”

“In summary we think that provided Hooray for Me stick with the plot and keep entertaining us with more of this type of material, they will become a well known household name in the future.”

“This is Hooray For Me at their best to date, catchy riffs and hooks that aren't coated in sugar like the hundreds of other pop punk bands that are floating around……”
- BandStation.com
Merchandise Merchandise coming soon

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My Interests


Member Since: 1/10/2005
Band Website: hoorayforme.co.uk (under construction)
Band Members:
Influences: Over It, Acceptance, Anberlin, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sounds Like: Who's Ray Forby?
Who pays for meat?
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New projects....

Welllllll this is all a bit weird but I thought I'd add a bit of an update on the whole situation. As some of you have heard The rest of the HFM boys are gonna be auditioning for a new singer and bass...
Posted by Hooray For Me (R.I.P) on Tue, 01 May 2007 02:23:00 PST

An Afterthought from Graeme

Hello all, I just thought I should say a personal goodbye and a thankyou to all of our fans before I move on. As stated in the other blog, the main reason for my decision to leave the band is the sta...
Posted by Hooray For Me (R.I.P) on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:05:00 PST


As some of you may already be aware, Graeme has decided to leave Hooray For Me :(  This was a very hard decision for Graeme to come to and in no way does it affect his friendship with t...
Posted by Hooray For Me (R.I.P) on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:12:00 PST

Hooray For Us.....

Punktastic Review.... Well Chuffed. Now go tell the world about Hooray For Me!  
Posted by Hooray For Me (R.I.P) on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 03:11:00 PST

LIVE @ the cellar bar.......

So we recorded a gig at the cellar bar in bracknell, and posted a track up here for all to see (erm, listen to...) so let us all know what you reckon. Oh and if anyone wants to have a listen to any of...
Posted by Hooray For Me (R.I.P) on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 07:54:00 PST