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So..some of you will see this page and god...What the Heck? I realized in my life that I have to give praise to the one who saved me and who loves me unconditionally...GOD. If you want to watch a movie that is super moving and inspirational, see the movie, "Facing the Giants." The message: Don't give up..give it your best...give it to God.There are people I'd like to meet. I'd still someday like to meet Julie Andrews. But most importantly I'd like to meet God someday.
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Anyone willing to give of their life so that I might be free and live...In honor of those who have been killed in the line of duty please leave a comment with a lit candle in the comments section of my site....lets see how many candles we can light to let their families know that we support and are praying for them.A variety of candles can be found on the website.