The Catholic Counter-Reformation, secret services of the Jesuits, Thomas Campion, Thomas Watson, Sir Edward Dyer, Sir Philip Sidney, recusants, printing Latin music, Cantiones, quae ab argumento sacrae vocantur, Gradualia ac cantiones sacrae, Latin masses, Thomas Tallis, Julian Birley, English consort song, Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, psalm-motets, Savonarola, Ave Verum Corpus, the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, Edward VI, Mary I, Queen Elizabeth I.
Joseph Kerman! He is the one spreading these stories about my sinister appearance...
Why does my teacher Thomas Tallis have a singing group named after him? Why do not I have a group of 'Byrd Scholars'??I do enjoy David Skinner and the Cardinal's Musicke recordings of the Caged Byrd.
What are these 'movies'?? I much prefer a play at the Globe Theatre, especially if it is by the Lord Chamberlain's Men and William Shakespeare.
What is this 'television'??
Geoffrey Chaucer and his Canterbury Tales, Joseph Kerman's The Masses and Motets of William Byrd, Edmund Fellowes's William Byrd, John Harley's William Byrd: Gentleman of the Chapel Royal.
All the illustrious composers before me who built up the tradition of High Church polyphony (in England and abroad): Josquin, Gilles Binchois, Antoine Busnoys, Robert Fayrfax, William Cornysh, John Dunstable, Thomas Tallis, and so forth.