When I first saw you, I forgot to breathe Info
NAME: [luu]
NATS: <[b>pseudoflip/jap/chink/hawn/haole]
SCHOOL: [uh manoa]
WORK: [the gap and venus nightclub]
CHARACTERISTICS:[dorky] [stubborn] [workaholic]
This ROCKS my world
my friends
the korean language
PeoplE WhORock MY WorlD
makes me laugh
challenges me
inspires me
are open minded
teachs me things
I Love
eating.japaneseFood.vietnameseFood.koreanFood.shopping. hangingOutWithFriends.laughingAtMeAndYou.movies.kisses.cuddl
I love guys who can make the world laugh.
If you can do that, you get major points and I need YOU
in my life. Guys who can act silly but serious is a necessity. I have low tolerance for immature people. Beautiful people are nothing without personality. Conceited people turn me off, but appearance is important. Name-brand doesn't convey who you are...looks aren't going to last, its your heart that will.
I love girls who I can kick it with, party,drink, and have fun with. Especially connect with. Sure Ihave friends, but there are only a handful who I cangenuinely say I'm good friends with. I don't like two-facepeople b/c I'm straight up and I expect you to be too.We're all different, but when it comes down to it, we're allhuman beings. Trust me, there's such a thing called a shitlist. You do not want to be on mines.
I hate living life thinking about the 'Whatifs'...that's when we forget to live. Take chances. Yes, its bad to get rejected, but worse when we don't get to say the things we want to say.When you think life can't be any worse, knowthat somewhere out there, there's someone in a situationthat's far worse than the one you're in. Live and learn.You can't make all the mistakes so why not learn fromsomeone who's made them? When you givesomeone your time, you are giving them a portion of yourlife that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. Thatis why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.
Random Thoughts As Of This Moment
Take chances. Don't be afraid to say what you want to say...or you might not get the chance to say it later.