Being with my mommies, playing peek-a-boo and hide-and-go seek with Mom, being washed by and cuddling with my brother Bert, playing chase with my brother Ernie, jumping on Bert and Ernie's backs and terrorizing them, being held like a baby by my mommy, watching the fish (especially the blue lobster), talking to the birds outside, watching t.v. (especially sports...even though both my mommies don't like it), greeting new people in the house, drinking milk, playing with my mice (especially the pink one), chasing my mommies around the house, and running back and forth all over the house like a crazy person...ahem...crazy cat.
Other fabulous felines like myself...
Stevie favorite song of course being "Rhiannon," my namesake.
"The Adventures of Milo and Otis," "Homeward Bound," "The Aristocats," "All Dogs Go to Heaven," "Far From Home, the Adventures of Yellow Dog," "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," "Alice in Wonderland," "Madagascar," "Racing Stripes," "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," "Babe," and "Paulie."
"Garfield," "The Pink Panther," Sabrina," and "Felix the Cat."
"The Three Little Pigs," "Pigs in Hiding," "Black Beauty," "The Berenstein Bears," "Charlotte's Web," "Curious George," and Edgar Allen Poe's poem, "The Raven."
Felix the Cat, Hello Kitty, the Cheshire Cat, Sylvester, Garfield, and Sassy from "Homeward Bound."