Hula hooping, TEXAS, outdoors, camping music festivals, Burningman, world music, hip-hop,R&b, breakbeats, booty-shaken music in general, rock, old metal, and real, old-school country, DANCING,DANCING,DANCING! publically getting my freak on, performing with fire, pretending like I am in the circus, fashion, sewing, constructing costumes, making jewelry, singing metal or Ella Fitzgerald, playing the didgeridoo, good tattoos, eclecticity, HOT chics, SEXY chics, making out with pirates, canoeing Town Lake, roller blading, riding my bike, working out, swimming in the creek, curiousities, people with something to share, kind humans, gaining wisdom, laughing my ass off, good humor, bad humor, non-PC humor, John Stewart, Colbert Report, getting Bush out of office, traveling to Moracco and not dying, living till I'm 108, meeting new people, being REAL, acquiring more friends, figuring out how to operate Myspace, becoming a personal trainer, inventing tribal aerobics, black holes, Halloween, Christmas, feeling empowered
I'd like to meet:
creative people, dance freaks, and music makers.
The list is long and the generalities I have already mentioned above, But my favorite albums of all time are Guns n Roses- Appetite for Destruction and AC/DC-Back in Black. There's also P.J. Harvey, Missy Eliot, Daniel Lanois, Jill Scott, Brian Eno, The Fuckemos, Dixie Witch, Beyonce, geez--more to come
Alice in wonderland, Bugslife, Pan's Labrynth, truley scarey-ass movies like 28 days later,and funny shit like anything with Will Ferrel.
I love the Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, and anything about fashion. I do not watch the news unless it's on John Stewart or the Colbert Report. Otherwise, I do not watch alot of T.V. because I have a hard time sitting still.
I honestly do not read alot because my attention span is so short, unless it is a "how to" book and I can directly apply the information.
My ex-husband and his parents, because they have given me the opportunity to pursue my mental well-being and thus given me happiness. They have also believed in me when I figured noone else noticed.