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I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip...
Das Experiment, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Adaptation, The Matrix,
Run Lola Run, Memento, Resevoir Dogs, The Shining, Zoolander, Serenity, Team America World Police, Identity, The Ring, Amazing Stories, Minority Report, Willow, Batteries Not Included, Big Trouble in Little China, American Psycho, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Terminator, Dark City, Sin City, Boogie Nights, The Machinist, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, Requiem for a Dream, Batman Begins, Se7en, 28 Days Later, The Godfather, LOTR, Goodfellas, Donnie Darko, Fight Club, American History X, Fargo,
A Simple Plan, Secretary, Office Space, The Lion King, Borat
Apparently, I like sex and violence, and sexy violence. Plus cartoon fish.
Don't watch much TV now, 'cept 24, The Shield, and nature documentaries delivered in a soothing baritone.
Books have become like going to the gym. I really need to do more of both.
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don't bother sending me a friend request if we've never spoken. i don't know you, and i probably don't like you.
female. east coaster. doodler. dog owner. steak eater. raging alcoholic.
and totally not interested.
rock. pop. funk. disco. hip hop. one hit wonders. christmas carols.
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