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About Me

Juliette started singing as soon as she learned to talk.
And it was around the time of her eighth birthday that Juliette Ashby discovered her gift for writing songs.
She could take an idea or any experience from her relatively sheltered life at that age and an hour later she would have powerful words to a song as well as the tune all mapped out, and if you happened be passing outside her bedroom door at an appropriate moment, you could hear her singing her latest composition, with all the passion and conviction of a girl more than twice her age who was already an accomplished professional singer.
That confidence was encouraged further when she teamed up with her classmate Amy Winehouse after school and at weekends, writing songs together and, inspired by girl pop duo Salt ‘n’ Pepper, performing them together as Sweet ’n’ Sour in front of Juliette’s bedroom mirror.
The years rolled by and they continued writing together until Amy went off to stage school and Juliette continued to write songs by herself – at the rate of at least one a week.
Today, her catalogue of compositions cover every aspect of popular music especially reggae, R ’n’ B, soul, hip hop, raga and jazz-flavoured tracks, is bursting at the seams, crying out for public appreciation.
The tracks on this site represent a small sample of those compositions – reflecting Juliette’s prolific songwriting skills as well as her recording abilities as the singer Baby J.
When she’s not writing songs or composing compositions to order, she’s collaborating with the many mc's, rappers and producers she become pals with in recent years.
Among her favourites – young prolific producer Jack Shack, rapper Scandalous - and Somthin’ Productions, the hot young house drum and bass specialists cornering the ever expanding dance music market.
When their skills are combined with Juliette’s soulful lyrics and vocals, amazing musical results are achieved.
Juliette has co-written and recorded a great many of her songs with acclaimed American songwriter, musician and producer Alan Glass whose skills have sent stars from Aretha Franklin, George Benson, Lighthouse family and Mystique to the top of the charts.
Their collaboration has ensured Juliette’s maturity as an exceptional singer and songwriter and produced a number of chart hits for singers in Germany and other European territories
Last year Juliette formed an important collaboration with hot new Miami producer "Drunk Art" Drew and spent time in Miami recording four of her compositions for the US market.
Juliette also has a track on Street Corner Prophecy a new album by Alan Glass’s writer producer brother Preston Glass which also features Al Jarreau, Earth Wind & Fire's Maurice White, Evelyn "Champagne" King and Johnny Mathis.
In her ever expanding catalogue is the theme song Juliette wrote and recorded for a long running, weekly CBBC children's prime-time TV programme featuring comedienne Ruby Wax.
“Song writing isn’t work to me. It’s my gift, my therapy. It’s what I enjoy doing more than anything else in life,” she explains.
Juliette’s musical preferences are writing R ‘n’ B, soul and hip hop but she is a versatile writer who can also easily write to order. Ask Jennifer Lopez who recently asked Juliette to pitch to her some of her songs.
Juliette’s musical influences include Bob Marley, DiAngelo, India Arie, Li’l Mo, Bonnie Raite, Eric Benet, And many many more....
Hope you enjoy the music….

My Interests


Member Since: 4/26/2006
Band Website: juliettebabyj.com
Type of Label: None