Everyday is Darker profile picture

Everyday is Darker

I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I don't add friends just for the sake of adding friends, and NO I DON'T WANT TO CHECK OUT YOUR WEBCAM!!! Given the state of things on MySpace, my first guess is NOT YOU. Anyone who isn't someone else. If you are too cool for anybody, then you are just too cool for me, go away. If you limit yourself in anyway, you are just too cool for me, go away. Wisdom over intelligence. Anyone who is serious about life enough to realize that being serious is a serious waste of time if it can be avoided, yet is also silly enough to know when it is time to be serious. I mean seriously... I'm picky about who my friends are. Here's a hint. It's you, not u. Know the difference between Your and You're, and it's NEVER ur. I understand the need for "shorthand" when text messaging on your phone. On the net it's just lazy. If I'm not worth a few extra letters to you, then you are worth even less to me. If you have a cool profile and request to be my friend, sure, I'll add you. But you you never leave a comment, never send a message, I'll delete you off my list. I'm not looking to show how cool I am to have sooooo many friends, I keep a close circle and I get by just fine thanks.


Beatles, Leonard Cohen, Bjork, Tori Amos, The Doors, Pink Floyd, TMBG, Kate Gibson, Cake, U2, My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult, Front 242, Pixies, Annie Lennox. Oingo Boingo, REM, RadioHead, Those Melvins (Not THE Melvins, although they are good too), NIN, Buddy Holly, The Cure, Dion, Fats Domino, Lightning Thompkins, Thelonious Monk, Ray Charles, James Brown, Faith no More, Nirvana, Jackie Wilson, Etta James, Billy Holiday, etc etc..Rap is not music sorry, it's acting. When Robert De Niro in Godfather is considered music and then he gets shot over doing it then FINE, rap can be music.


Dead Man, Harold and Maude, Secretary, Sex and Lucia, Cemetary Man, Suicide Kings, Winged Migration, and about one million more.


Television is the opiate of the masses. That being said, my drugs of choice are The Simpsons, The Family Guy, and The History Channel


Fear of Dreaming, Burning in Water Drowning in Flame, Mexico City Blues, On The Road, Death of America, Illusions, Dr. Seuss goes to War


Heroes exist only when you believe in them. I believe in me, so am I my own hero? God damn, I'm screwed if I need me to save me, because I'll be busy being in danger and won't have time to save me!