DeWayne Wallace profile picture

DeWayne Wallace

.....I am plain ole ordinary me! YOU love it!!!!!!

About Me

I am he who speaks life and feels pain; he who enjoys the joy of others and carries the burden of my brothers and sisters; he who gives freely and expects nothing in return; he who cherishes family and friends as I cherish myself; he who expects the best without being judgemental of others; he who loves, praises, worships, reveres, and exhalts God in his daily deeds without inflicting God's wrath and judgement upon others; he who smiles when I am tickeled, crys when I hurt, frowns when I am angry, hurts for the state of the world, longs to see peace on earth and will die when my time expires.I am he.....the one, the only, the unique......DeWayne Wallace. I do not know how to be anyone else except who I am! I cannot pretend to be my ancestors who have laid the foundation so that I now live with more freedom than they! I cannot be my counterparts whose successes and failures are incesantly their own! I cannot be those that are to come after because their bloodline is yet to be begun. I can, and will, only be me!Love to you,DeWayne Wallace Send Message - Add to Friends - Add to Group - Forward to Friend - Add to Favorites - Block User - Rank User
I am he who speaks life and feels pain; he who enjoys the joy of others and carries the burden of my brothers and sisters; he who gives freely and expects nothing in return; he who cherishes family and friends as I cherish myself; he who expects the best without being judgemental of others; he who loves, praises, worships, reveres, and exhalts God in his daily deeds without inflicting God's wrath and judgement upon others; he who smiles when I am tickeled, crys when I hurt, frowns when I am angry, hurts for the state of the world, longs to see peace on earth and will die when my time expires.I am he.....the one, the only, the unique......DeWayne Wallace. I do not know how to be anyone else except who I am! I cannot pretend to be my ancestors who have laid the foundation so that I now live with more freedom than they! I cannot be my counterparts whose successes and failures are incesantly their own! I cannot be those that are to come after because their bloodline is yet to be begun. I can, and will, only be me!Love to you,DeWayne Wallace

My Interests

I tend to enjoy anything family oriented. I love to travel , sing, read, engage in great conversation, interact with those of other cultures and ethnicities.

Take My Quiz
What is the name of the church I presently attend in Atlanta, GA.?

A) New Birth
B) Total Grace
C) New Covenant Ministries

What is my favorite cartoon character on telvision?

A) Bart Simpson
B) Homer Simpson
C) Stewie Griffen

Who is my favorite male vocalist?

A) Carl Thomas
B) Tonex
C) Donnie McClurkin

Where do I presently work?

A) American Red Cross
B) Atlanta Better Business Bureau
C) Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Make a Quiz for Your Profile!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet sincere people who aspire to be the best they can be and treat others well in the process. I firmly beleive we are not all meant to be millionaires and neither are we all meant to be in a media spotlight all our lives. I do, however, believe we are all uniqulely designed and created to pursue and fulfill our own life's purposes. View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment

I'd like to meet sincere people who aspire to be the best they can be and treat others well in the process. I firmly beleive we are not all meant to be millionaires and neither are we all meant to be in a media spotlight all our lives. I do, however, believe we are all uniqulely designed and created to pursue and fulfill our own life's purposes.MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE


Exploring Worship by Bob Sorge.

My Blog


My bags arrived today...........after an extremely long ride to realization from a place of emotional heaviness, the finally arrived. Packaged neatly and camoflauged as strength, security, stability,...
Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 09:06:00 PST


Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:54:00 PST

Tribute in B-Natural

He B a replica of me in many ways. That idiot thinks like me, creates like me, perseveres like me, adminishes others like me, strives like me, to excel like me and will do great things, just as I des...
Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 03:40:00 PST

Here is where I am......

After experiencing some situations lately (none bad) lately I have come to this conclusion. I DO NOT LIVE MY LIFE FOR OTHER PEOPLE!!! I guess with age comes a greater understanding of oneself and I ...
Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Thu, 24 May 2007 08:09:00 PST

Phasing into the next level

Lately I have been really bothered about some relationships I have established lately. You know, some people are mentors and others mentees. Some are associates and others have been positioned as fri...
Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:22:00 PST

A season of preparation

Ecclesiastes says:TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven....Well, for some real good reason (of which I am sure God will reveal later) I have been in a re...
Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:25:00 PST

The very thing you pray for....

Where do I begin? How do I begin to express the dispappointment I feel? When did I become afraid of my blessing?Anybody ever prayed for something and when you were blessed with it you were so afraid...
Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 07:47:00 PST


Obviously unique yet wholesomely connected to SELFBoldly expressive yet considerably respectfulDeeply passionate yet clearly open-mindedTraditionally blessed with ancestral knowledgeYet present enough...
Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 03:24:00 PST

You are......

MY BROTHER ALLOWED ME TO SHARE THIS....To my friends: You are my motivation.You are my motivation to do better, think higher, dream bigger, achieve greater, be the best "me" I can be. You inspire me t...
Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 02:42:00 PST

Expect Greater Part I

Okay! So, a lot of people have asked me about the background I chose to create to celebrate the bringing in of the new year. I mean, I could have created a piece to magnify myself but that's not wha...
Posted by DeWayne Wallace on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:40:00 PST