JE STURDIVANT II profile picture



About Me

A wise saying declares that, “it is difficult to walk with a hungry man…when you are filled.” This simple yet powerful message is a reminder that we can only help others, when we can feel their areas of emptiness. Such is the case and life ministry of J. Eric Sturdivant, II. This anointed servant of God has ministered tirelessly to hundreds of young people who are broken, empty and wounded. He is a member of Faith United Ministries, Pastored by J.E. and P.D. Sturdivant, and has faithfully supported the ministry for more than 15 years. His unique gifting has provided a healing balm for the parched souls of hundreds of young people throughout the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area.J. Eric is the head counselor for the E.S.T.E.E.M. Ministry of Faith United Ministries. This ministry’s mission is to bring wholeness to youth who have been broken by life experiences. His anointing for serving the people of God is also seen as he operates as Minister of Music for Faith United Ministries. God’s hand upon his life has caused him to usher God’s people into the very presence of God and receive breakthrough in every area of their lives.The countless men, women, and youth that have been radically changed are proof that God’s hand is upon this young servant of God. His down –to-earth style of ministry is a reminder that we can simply “be ourselves” and still be used of God to carry out great exploits.J. Eric is furthering his educational pursuits at Bowie State University, where he is studying Music and Business Management. He also uses his gifts of management and organization, as he works within the Mechanical Engineering Branch of the NASA Goddard Flight Center. He was born and resides in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. ********** In a more simpler explanation, I'm just your average, down to earth, "fun to be around" type individual. I enjoy a good laugh (friends will tell you) (lol). I appreciate those who are not so "Heavenly Bound" that they are no "Earthly Good" (lol). I further appreciate some 'good humor'....its simply "PRICELESS"!!! I have zero tolerance for immaturity, foolishness, and/or drama. I am open for meeting and connecting with new individuals so feel free to hit me up. Until we speak....remember, "It is not my responsibility to prove to you who I am. It is not my job to prove to you who I am not. My job and responsibility is (SOLELY) to be who I am and 'honor myself' in the process. You have a right to think whatever you want to think about me. Just because you think what you think about me, does not change who I am. I, however, must know the truth about me."
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.

My Interests

The Baltimore Aquarium (I don't care what anybody says....that IS the place!) (lol), movies, bowling, bike riding (eventhough I have to take MULTIPLE breaks) (lol), singing, and the list goes on and on... There are countless others...I just care not to write them all hands are tired (lol)[The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. -Samuel Johnson.]

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

(LOL) Everybody on my friends list (lol), just kidding! After Jesus, I guess it really doesn't matter...


I love just about EVERYTHING and is pretty much my life.... I enjoy various genres--reason being--it keeps my creativity open and helps me to remain adaptable to/for change...


I can't say that I have a favorite movie....although I have ALWAYS loved "THE LONG KISS GOOD NIGHT"... My schedule doesn't allow me to frequent the movies as much...but when I DO attend...I (for the most part) enjoy all the movies I see...


"WHAT'S HAPPENING" will go down as one of my TOP favorite TV shows... (lol)


ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS EVER WRITTEN (by my dad) "NO LONGER CRIPPLED...FROM TRAUMA TO TRIUMPH!!! Through “No Longer Crippled: From Trauma To Triumph,” this talented writer displays the same skill and creativity that is exhibited in his preaching ministry. Once again, Pastor Sturdivant reminds us that the depths of our adversity can catapult us into a place that is far more rewarding than we can imagine. I am confident that this book will inspire and bless all that read it. Look out for his next book (to be released in the upcoming weeks)"LEARNING TO SOAR...Overcoming The Things That Have Come Over You"


Of course Jesus, My Mom and Dad (they are simply the greatest...Because of WHO THEY ARE---I AM WHO I "AM".... (and thats some real talk)After Jesus, I attribute all of my successes, accomplishments & achievements to these two individuals. I absolutely/genuinely/unquestionably/beyond the shadow of a doubt--love these two individuals(& u can tell em' I said that) (smile)...& everyone else who has impacted my life in some way, shape form or fashion (both positive and negative)....I thank you as well...because it took "YOU", to catapult me to where I am I am eternally grateful for you ALL (smile)