Collectif Honest House profile picture

Collectif Honest House


About Me

Created in the beginning of the year 2005, Honest House are a collective from Liège in Belgium that aim at promoting indie rock music. HH are, therefore a handful of friends that feel like sharing their tastes and discoveries via concerts (and via the already-known Honest Rock Festival) but also some buddies ( Frank Shinobi, Taifun, Volt Voice, El Dinah,Roland Garros (rip), ) that think that rock is not dead yet and that it is still worth doing ; last but not least, HH is a pretext, too, to party together. Now that you know who we are and what were building, dont hesitate and enter our humble house, but, above all, STAY HONEST
Booking : [email protected]
Créé au debut de l annee 2005, Honest House est un collectif liegeois (Belgique) qui a pour objectif de promouvoir la musique indie rock. Honest House, c est donc quelques amis qui ont envie de faire partager leurs envies et coups de coeurs par le biais de concerts (et du deja fameux Honest Rock Festival ! ), mais aussi quelques types qui pensent que le rock nest pas encore mort et que cela vaut toujours la peine d en faire (Taifun, Frank Shinobi, Volt Voice, El Dinah, Roland Garros(rip)), enfin un bon vieux pretexte pour faire la fete ensemble
Maintenant que vous savez qui nous sommes et ce que nous faisons, n hesitez pas a rentrer dans notre humble demeure et surtout, restez honest!
Booking : [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 4/26/2006
Band Website:
Influences: Motorpsycho, Modest Mouse, Built to spill, 31 Knots, The Redneck Manifesto, Explosions in the sky, Mono, Pavement, Blonde Redhead, Karate, Van pelt, Sonic Youth, Vitaphase, At the Drive-in, dEUS, Neutral Milk Hotel, les Savy Fav, Versus, Gore Slut, Do Make Say Think, Pink Floyd, Unwound, Ugly Casanova, Yo La Tengo, Moondog Jr, Archers of Loaf, Q and not U, Dianogah, Paul Newman, Seam, Mineral, Dead Man Ray, Talking Heads, Metal Molly, Mitsoobishy Jackson, Chokebore, Herman Dune, Neil Young, 90 day men, Beastie Boys, Bran van 3000, The Lapse, Radiohead, Portishead, Mogwai, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Mad Dog Loose, Reiziger,Spain, Police, bedhead, why?, Windsor for the derby, Weezer (blue, blue and blue....), Diabologum, Long Fin Killie, Halo Benders, Fugazi, Nemo, An(obscene)Pang, a Silver Mt. Zion, Ten Years After, Duster, Janis Joplin, Rosolina Mar, The Mars Volta, Jaga Jazzist, Codeine, Kate Bush, Cat Power, Jeff Buckley, Slint, Monopot, YES, King Crimson, Genesis
Sounds Like: Belgian fresh meat
Record Label: Honest House
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Frank Shinobi EP - OUT NOW

Frank Shinobi - Ibonish knarf EP is out now for more info just send us a mail at [email protected]  
Posted by Collectif Honest House on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 06:26:00 PST