Back in 2000, Sedative was created by nico and rico (YCONE) playing fast grind death also with lolo( bass). two years later, the band release his first EP called "deviance malsaine"(6 tracks), playing with a drum machine.
In 2004, Bertrand, (aka sober) real human drummer, joined the band which began to give some gigs near their living place (the french alps).
In 2005 Lolo leaved the band which welcomed a new singer: Fred( appal seed ex kwato) they also released their second EP called "INCONSCIENCE"; at the end of the year, yan (bass) came from the band NFO the see what was going on with grind in sedative.
MAY 2007 Vinz (aka mulk) coming from Saonima Mulk NFO and BroYy became the vocalist as Rico was leaving the band and Fred became the second guitarist.
The band has just release his third EP called "ICTUS" and will record his very first album in the begining of 2008 n Switzerland with Jéjé, guitarist of Mumakil.
Coming from Chamonix, the band is now looking for gigs in 2008 to share is dumb music with the most!!!!!
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