“B-Girl†is an upcoming full-length movie that filmed in Los Angeles and will be coming to theaters soon. It stars the illest b-boys and b-girls around! We welcome everyone who wants to be a part of the film! Keep checking back for updates!
Hit us up if you want to help out with B-GIRL, see the movie, or be part of the street team. Please send an email ([email protected]) with your name, email address, and location and we'll put you on our mailing list for upcoming events!
Check out REMEDY at the B-GIRL auditions
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Check out FLEA ROCK at the B-GIRL auditions:
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Check out LEGACY at the B-GIRL auditions:
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“B-Girl†is a story about one B-Girl, "Angel", who has to start a new life in Los Angeles after overcoming a horrible tragedy. With the help of friends and her crew she faces her fears and embraces who she is as an artist and a dancer. Thes tars of the film include: Lady Jules, Flea rock, Legacy, Flipz, Steelo, Remedy, and many more.
"B-Girl" was first a short film that won awards at a major film festivals all over the world! It starred Lady Jules and many of the stars of the upcoming. The short was also Written &Directed by Emily Dell and Produced by Elizabeth Dell. Check it out at www.bgirlmovie.com