Wrestling, working out, music, Hockey, women, Living.
You, Bret Hart (again), Ric Flair, Jim Carey, Adam Sandler, Fred Durst, Edge, Steven Richards, Dini Dimakos, Anthony Spade, Dane Cook, Vince McMahon, Arnold Shcwarzeneger (sp?) Niki Hilton, God and his son Jesus Christ hopefully on good terms, Britney Spears to see if she will make me famous and maybe for some presents I know she would buy me. There's more but I can't think of them right now.
Limp Bizkit,Metallica, God Smack, Eminem, 3 doors down, Therory of a Nickle Creed, Marilyn Manson, Hinder.
Old School, Anchorman, Billy Madison, Dirty Work, Terminator Series , Bret Hart (wrestling with shadows) Remember the Titans.
Seinfeld, simpsons, Trailor Park Boys, Family Guy, CSI, Inked, House, WWE shows, TNA Impact, UFC shows.
I read only one book cover to cover and that was in middle school. It was a goose bump book, for book reports I just asked about them or researched them online.
My Dad.