WRESTLING REALITYWrestling Reality "The Television Series" premiers on The Fight Network on Tuesday, November 6, 2007 @ 8pm EST. Wrestling Reality stars include; Gary Gallant (Wildman Williams), Peter Smith (Brody Steele), Rick Doyle (Trash Canyon) Also starring on the show is Kowboy Mike Hughes, James Mason and many more stars of professional wrestling. Take a look at pro wrestling like you've never seen it before!Only on The Fight Network!I've been a professional wrestler since 1997. I now live in Moncton, New Brunswick with my girlfriend Cathy. I run my own wrestling school "Wildman Academy" out of Halifax, NS, and my full-time job position is the NB Operations Manager for Shadow Ops Security.Check out these websites for more information on me:
Wildman's official website
DeadReach.comSome Videos:Me vs. Chi Chi Cruz in a Ladder Cage Match 2002
Part One:
Me vs. Chi Chi Cruz in a Ladder Cage Match 2002
Part Two:
Me vs. Duke MacIsaac 2005 Part One:
Me vs. Duke MacIsaac 2005 Part Two:
Wildman Academy Tribute Video: