syx - blackframestudios profile picture

syx - blackframestudios

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

i am a photographer from vancouver. currently i teach some photography classes @: vancouver photo workshops & VANarts.i've been shooting since 93, most of that time has been spent taking photos of nude women, generally in gasmask or with other interesting props.

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My Interests

photography, fetish photography, fine art photography, fashion photography.

I'd like to meet:

people that share some or all of my interests. models, actors, generally flashy people!


the mars volta, the melvins, the locust, the dillinger escape plan, snfu, clutch, tool, queens of the stone age,


dahmane, sieff, newton, kroll, kern, diet goedde...

My Blog

ORBAX in Vancouver - the Red Room -- Wednesday May 16th

THIS WEDNESDAY ONE NIGHT ONLY get ready vancouver, this is a show not to be missed. these freaks will be entertaining you, russ foxx will be swinging from the rafters, and bloody betty is there t...
Posted by syx - blackframestudios on Sun, 13 May 2007 09:02:00 PST