I will call him Matt..because face it...his name will be Matt...whether I like it or not.Perhaps one day I will give him a nickname... he's English...from England. Has a lisp, deep voice and dimples. hmm maybe an undercover pirate vampire sort.? with fancy pants. but then his name cannot be Matt...clearly he's cooler than that now. Let's see here.... Adrian?no...too fancy.. A fancy boy will never fall for me...I'm not classy enough fuck I don't know...Tristan? BAHAHA..sorry...I had to, that was funny seriously though...let me think uhhg..this is pointless...his name will end up being Matt again...why fight it? his one fault will be that..his uncool name..I can live with that... but you know what this means don't you? He'll have to make up for it with his treasure. and by treasure i mean cheese, wine and mayo...and actual treasure. We'll go on treasure hunts... woah, I just got really excited. I want someone to hide treasure somewhere...and make me an elaborate takes months to follow and complete...map. that'd be so sweet.YOU..do it now.. seriously, go. oooo...Tom. yes...I prefer Tom. Fuck Matt..Tom is better...you know why.. k, this isn't fun anymore...i want to go on a treasure hunt and can't..fuck...fuck Tom and MAtt...fuck...I'll wear the fancy pants... buahaha..MUAHAHA...TREASUUUUUURRREE!!!!! heh heh heh
Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Crybaby, 5th Element, Tank Girl, Hook, Cool World, Amelie...