Joakim Tinderholt Express was formed in Oslo, January '05 by members from the well renowned Muddy Waters Blues Clubs
houseband, in addition to Tinderholt himself and guitarist Haakon Hoeye. Since then the band has done numerous, sucessfull gigs at clubs and festivals all over Norway. Some of the highlights include Lillehammer Blues Weekend, Dark Season Blues Festival, Color Blues Festival and tours of Poland and Russia.
Despite his tender age, powerhouse RnB and Blues singer Joakim Tinderholt is already an experienced entertainer, and a force to be reckoned with for years to come. He has been fortunate enough to perform with artists such as Rick Holmstrom, Mitch Kashmar, RJ Mischo, Kid Andersen and Vidar Busk among others.
Guitarist Haakon Hoeye is a veteran on the norwegian blues scene. He has played nearly every venue there is, both as a front- and sideman. His traditional, yet inventive playing is a favorite among both bluesfans and fellow musicans.
Bill Troiani (bs) and Alexander Pettersen (dr) add just the right groove and swing to the band. Having played together for countless hours, as a backing band for both domestic and international artists. They are by many considered to be one of the finest RnB rythmsections in Scandinavia.
To book Joakim Tinderholt Express, please use the following info:
[email protected]
Phone: +47 926 17 124
or send a message through MySpace
The Hustle Is On (A.Walker) Live at Muddy Waters, Oslo.
Done Got Over It (E. Jones) Live at Muddy Waters, Oslo.