The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama profile picture

The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama

I didn't start the revolution, I just know it's happening!

About Me

My name is Darrin Hutson, and I'd like to thank you for visiting Rather you are a friend on MySpace or simply someone checking me out, I sincerely believe you did not land on my page on accident.
I do not conform to the norms and expectations of society and others. I have shunned formal education and religion for a deeper look into truth. I believe we have been manipulated and controlled by powers with agendas and motives and often times told that we were somoeone other than who we truly are. Do not be deceived, this brainwashing has taken place in all races and socio-economic backgrounds. We are indeed masters of our own fate and writers of our own destiny - why? Because God (or the Creative Power) we call God lives in all of us. We have been taught that we must jump through hoops to "receive" God when in fact we already have a living force within us that allows us to shift the Universe and change the world with mere thoughts.
I was born into drugs, crime, prostitution and more. As a young child I witnessed my mother hustle and manipulate until she died of HIV on July 2, 1999. But not before I myself became all she was and more. I have personally done some unimaginable things including, but not limited to, selling drugs, conning, robbing, stealing, womanizing, domestic violence and gunplay. I spent over seven years in Federal prison (over two terms). I've been kidnapped, robbed at gunpoint (twice), been in countless drive by's and more. Some of my closest friends have been killed (and continue to be killed) due to senseless violence - all attributed to ignorance and what we know as "The Struggle".
For years I struggled trying to change the person my childhood and early adulthood molded me into. In prison I would cry to God to make me someone other than the "evil" and "ugly" person I had become. I finally realized after futile years of trying to change that I was not an ugly person at all. My failures and deviant behavior were all absolutely normal under the abnormal conditions I lived in. I simply was a product of my environment and influince. And because I believe "one should not dwell on the past except to use it as a tool to advance the future" I decided that my past was ALL GOOD and an obvious sign that my life was destined for greatness. "It is a Spiritual law that struggle breeds strength and understanding(empathy)" which means that those of us who have it it the hardest have the greatest assignments. "Greatness, to me, is not measured in dollars or notariety but by impact!"
I believe each one of us has a unique thought, perspective or action at this moment that is impacting the world. Most of us do not see ourselves as major players in the cosmos but I assure you we are ALL Creator and Created at the same time. The reason you have been taught your attitude is so important is because your attitude (thoughts, feelings) dictate your reality. You can literaly think yourself into bad health or negative circumstance. This is God in you. The problem with teaching a doctrine (most religion) that there is only one way to think or be is that it does not facilitate and encourage our uniqueness! I believe we must all be free to rise and fall as our heart leads us and definitely must be able to think and feel freely. It has recently been admitted that the "tough boy" movement of old has made our young men cold, but how much more has not been "discovered" (or had the cover pulled off)?
I believe heaven and hell is a choice made each day in the minds of men and women around the globe. I believe man is in constant battle against him(her)self. Misinformation and/or misunderstandings have led us to believe that God is somewhere other than in ourselves therefore we look to others (or to the sky) for that which has already been provided.
I believe properly understanding our place in the universe is the first step toward the peace and bliss we so fervently desire. The myth that one must "receive" God has put us at odds with ourselves. The myth that God selects who He/She enters based upon ones belief has us (literally) dancing around like clowns with hopes of pleasing the Almighty. We speak of God as though He is an emotional being like you and I - even the term "He" is an injustice to all that God is.
God is in all things living. God is the Creator and the Created. There is no separation between man and God except in his/her mind. There is no need to "please" other than to please God in self. Each one of us has a role in the overall grand scheme and no role is greater or lessor than the other. Your vision and map for your life is a personal choice between you and Spirit in you. Nothing in life will bring you peace and bliss outside of following your own map, fulfilling your own passions and listening to your own inner Spirit.
I believe each person has their own brokenness and consequently their own path to healing and out of these come their own unique ministries or opportunities to contribute to the world and what is to come. My aim is to assist others with reconnecting with that part of themselves that may have been lost in the hustle, bustle and foolishness that is everyday life in this country. My vision for my own personal contribution to society includes, but is not limited to, book writing, blogging, seminars, relationship builders, and most importantly, the establishment of a growth and development center(s)that encourages, celebrates and ultimately develops the uniqueness and individuality of a person. In my center I will host seminars, dialogues and think tanks. I will invite speakers (of all faiths and back grounds) who have significant information to share. We will have a nutritionist and physical trainer who will hold classes through the week to promote healthy living. We will have mortgage brokers teach about mortgages, credit and home owning. There will be someone to teach about taxes, someone to teach about buying automobiles, basically - WHATEVER one needs to sustain. We will host food redistribution drives (to transfer food from those who have excess to those with little or nothing), debt drives (to help our members get out of debt), college drives (to send aspiring children to college), book clubs (with author visits), adventure/educational travel and so much more.

My Interests

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I host parties and events on various nights of the week, some for fun - some more along the lines of teaching. I will post bulletins and invitations from time to time concerning these events and I will post dates and times in my calender section.



No Matter Where You Have Been In Life Or Are Today, You Are Significant!

Spiritual Law suggests that those who have had the hardest of times have the greatest opportunities.

Love Starts With Loving Self - No Matter Who or Where You Are!



I am currently writing an autobiography that I hope will be finished by the end of 08. You can read it as I write it on a page I started exclusively for fans of the book.



The shakers and movers of this land are not afraid to challenge the norms, beliefs and expectations of society. How can we expect to leave a legacy if we keep emulating others.

I encourage you to THINK DEEPLY, LIVE FREELY AND EMBRACE YOUR PASSIONS AND PURPOSE so the world can experience the GOD in YOU!

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My Blog

Masks We Wear and Games We Play (Part 1)

It has been over two years now since I first experienced MySpace. Since then I have met and networked with 100s of people I would have otherwise never met. MySpace has been a tool for business, n...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:36:00 PST

Dealing with the "tough" times in life (a personal reflection)

Dear friends I hope everyone is off to a wonderful 2008! I haven't blogged in so long that I feel like I'm contacting an old friend for the first time in years. I miss writing and I miss those who ...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:07:00 PST

Reconnecting with self after being lost in a relationship - My story!

I don't even know where to start&&.. I have so much I want - no NEED to say here but I find myself stuck in a perpetual rut. Each time I sit in front of the computer to write my mind starts racin...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 01:12:00 PST

Understanding The Black Man in your life - Part 2

Much Has been said about the Black Man in America and the negative contributions he has made and continues to make. The Black Man is constantly spotlighted for his deviant ways and his negative deeds ...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:23:00 PST

Do Hugs & Kisses make boys "Girly" (By Erica D)

..> ..> Do Hugs & Kisses make boys "Girly"   By Erica   Today people, we are going to talk about nurturing.  My debate is whether nurturing is a male or female trait. ...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:13:00 PST

You cant handle the truth! An indictment on relationships&&&.Darrin Hutson

You can't handle the truth! An indictment on relationships&&&.Darrin Hutson It is not a good time to be in a relationship. Many of you have written me speaking of recent break ups (as is customar...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:55:00 PST

Understanding The Black Man In Your Life - Part 1...Finances

More and more these days we are seeing situations where Black Women make more money than the men they date or marry. Not only that but Black women are kicking their male counterparts butt when it...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:52:00 PST

For The Ladies; A discussion about Bull Sh** in relationships

The more I study and learn about myself, others and this complex world we live in the more I understand why there is so much conflict. We have been taught to deal with conflict and disharmony in our l...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:20:00 PST

The Secret: Law Of Attraction - Everyone should see - (90 Min. Long) Let's Discuss!

My Commentary will be in the comment section - Darrin   ...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Mon, 28 May 2007 06:51:00 PST

Being grateful for opened and closed doors - a repost

 This is something I got from a friend's page - I can't take credit for this one : - ).... Thx Erica ..>   Be Grateful for opened and Closed Doors Current mood: awake This weekend has ...
Posted by The Movement Has Begun - Just Ask Obama on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:31:00 PST