"When It's All Said and Done, I'm Still TarNeisha"
No matter how much faith we have or how good we try to be, we all face adversity. Meaning, NOBODY IS PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever the situation may be, WE ARE ALL GOING TO SUFFER FROM SETBACKS. I've dealt with setbacks and will again in the future, but I realize that's what makes me who I am.
What do you do when want to stop believing in yourself? Just walk away? What do you do when you feel like giving up on life and your dreams because of a bad decision you made? I say again, we all make mistakes. The good thing about mistakes is that you can learn and grow from them, but we must accept the fact that it was wrong and to never make that same mistake again.
You often find yourself questioning yourself with things like: What happened? Why me? Where have I gone wrong? Well, I'm here to tell you my friend, YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH THE STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will not last forever. AS GOD'S CREATION, WE ARE BUILT TO SURVIVE!!! No matter what the enemy has said to you, God can pull you though. TRUST ME....I'M A LIVING WITNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No matter what my peers may say or choose to believe, I know that God CAN and he WILL use me for greatness in spite of it all.....I'm proud to say, when it's alll said and done, I'M STILL AND ALWAYS WILL BE TARNEISHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And remember one thing.....TARNEISHA IS NOT TARNISHED; I'VE JUST DIGRESSED!!!! "The Road To Success"The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called FAILURE, A loop called CONFUSION, Speed bumps called FRIENDS, Red light called ENEMIES, Caution light called FAMILY. You will have flats called jods, But if you have a spare called DETERMINATION, An engine called PESERVERANCE insurance called FAITH, a driver called JESUS, You will make it to a place called SUCCESS!!!!.
I'm a people's person, so I love meeting and working with new people.
My ..1 movie of all times right now is Tyler Perry's" Madeas Family Reunion". It has so many inspirational messages that moves my soul in more ways than one.
Photographer by TMK
Love Bet and UPN......Thats bascially all I watch half at the time...
Anything really.....KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!!!!!!!
My parents and my sister......I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Good looking out AP for designing yet another hott layout for me! You're my #1 Graphics Designer.