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the pony harvest


About Me

the pony harvest is the retro-futurist casio progtronic project of serial pen-chewer and librarian-about-town richard bradley. debut album 'an individual note: of music, sound and electronics' out now on white label records OR YOU CAN BE ALL NEW-FASHIONED AND DOWNLOAD IT OFF I-TUNES HERE:

My Interests



bbc radiophonic workshop, hot butter, white noise, perry-kingsley, the johanna group, kpm allstars, raymond scott, ron geesin, bruce haack, delia derbyshire, paddy kingsland, the united states of america, add n to (x), large number, plone, denim, go-kart mozart, can, jake thackray, scott walker, michel polnareff, serge gainsbourg, fat truckers, i monster, the lovers, air, yann tiersen, ennio morricone, felix kubin, the wednesday club, drastic oh no band, sheffield stylophone orchestra, kings have long arms, wickerman & fisherman, the benders, klog, trendy plague...


harold and maude, the killing of sister george, the wicker man, a clockwork orange


THE GOODIES, the smell of reeves and mortimer, harry hill, spaced, the mighty boosh, the league of gentlemen, count duckula


'the bbc radiophonic workshop : the first 25 years : the inside story of providing sound and music for television and radio 1958-1983' / remembered by desmond briscoe; daphne oram - 'an individual note : of music, sound and electronics'; 'the music library: graphic art and sound' / compiled by jonny trunk;lewis caroll - 'alice's adventures in wonderland'/'thru the looking glass'; oscar wilde - 'the picture of dorian gray'; barry hines - 'kes'; 'minitram in sheffield';most stuff by d. h. lawrence, b. s. johnson, jonathan coe, elizabeth bowen, evelyn waugh


Myspace Editor
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My Blog


i wish the city council would just leave it alone and stop knocking things down. hole in the road - gone. eggboxes - gone. wedding cake - gone. rag and tag market - gone. jessops hospital (where i was...
Posted by the pony harvest on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 04:42:00 PST

just bagged...

...a coupla de wolfe library lps off of ebay. 'further exploraition of the art of the synthesizer' ("a wide variety of electronic space, comic and light pieces played by the wavy workshop") and 'sound...
Posted by the pony harvest on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 04:42:00 PST

this website's ruined me... oxford-based purveyors of 60's and 70's soundtracks and library music. predictably enough, i want about half of their stock... in fact i almost wish i had not stumbled across...
Posted by the pony harvest on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:57:00 PST


elton john = dwight york meatloaf = barry lyndon cliff richard = ray harryhousen terence stamp = terence wednesday tina turner = anna-may gruntfuttock cher = nora twigg leonard rossister = leonard sca...
Posted by the pony harvest on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 03:42:00 PST


went into hmv on my lunch break but they were playing that coldplay song where they reappropriated the riff from 'computer love' by kraftwerk, so i had to flee the building in terror. my ea...
Posted by the pony harvest on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 05:09:00 PST

jake thackray doc - 6th oct

there's a docu about jake thackray on bbc4 at 9 o' clock on friday 6th october. you should watch it 'cos he's a legend. ...
Posted by the pony harvest on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 08:42:00 PST

PORN. ...
Posted by the pony harvest on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 04:18:00 PST


me and hally went down sharrowvale and had a little tinkle on the street johanna last week. it's only gonna be there for a few more weeks - the full story behind it on their website&nbs...
Posted by the pony harvest on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 08:46:00 PST


early this morning myself and si of the benders fame took ourselves off to a car boot sale on the very outskirts of sheffield, here is what i came away armed with: portable record player plus 3 78rpm ...
Posted by the pony harvest on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 07:51:00 PST

record of the week... ray cathode (bbc radiophonics) - 'time beat'/'waltz in orbit' 7" - jesus, how amazing were the bbc radiophonics guys, 'waltz in orbit' in particular is awesome... came out in '62,...
Posted by the pony harvest on Sun, 28 May 2006 02:56:00 PST