I also love; sunshine, films, writing, the smell of new cut grass, laughter, music music music, firelight, place - Laurieston Hall - its the best. Dancing, lots of it, snowball fights. Living for God. Getting warm and dry after being really wet. Talking, listening. Buying presents for other people. Making a complete and utter fool of myself, the sea, music o and did i mention music?, white bread (crusty on the outside, soft on the inside), theatre, fire, bad jokes, films, cooking, climbing trees, moonlit beachs and the feel of moonlight on my skin, massage, candlelit meals....and crazy nights out on the town....music, in any shape or form, and trying to do a least on new thing each week, and salsa, lots and lots and lots of salsa. I'm currently dancing/teaching 3 times a week, it's lots of fun, sexy, and keeps you really fit as well....what more do u need!!!
.Other interests - salsa salsa salsa, I love it so very much, I can't get enough. Someone once told me that dance is like a drug, once you get your first real hit you just keep wanting more. I've been teaching salsa (on and off) with the University of Sheffield Salsa Society for almost four years now. Also love/live/dance merengue and rueda, which are also bien bien. For those of you who are interested, we teach every Tuesday at the Forum (division street, Sheffield). Beginners lessons starts at 7:30, 'free style'/social is 10-1:30ish. Also we run lessons at the university on Saturday afternoons (3-5:30pm) in the foundry. Check out Cubana (near the cathedral) on sat afternoons from 1:30 for more cuban salsa lessons and Bill's lessons (new york styley) every thursday from 7:30 at the Polish Club/Millennium Hall.
Singers, songwriters, DJ's, musicians, producers
......People who are interesting, chilled out and down to earth.
And anyone who loves music, God, life and generally having a good time.
Most things (yes i know everyone always says that). It geneally depends on where the mood takes me... changes from day to day, where my life is, and with the seasonsold school/good hiphop, rock, jazz and most things jazzy, salsa (but gerenally only to dance to), good/any drum and bass, funky/ish house, anything chilled out, eighties 'party anthems', the more musical side of metal, ol school everything else, romantic classical, generally anything old school, pre 1990's, some dance, laid back, anything 'orignal' or simply songs that put a smile on your face :) Music that grows on you. Music that you keep wanting to listen to, and discover new things about it or different layers every time you do. Anything thing that makes me want to dance. Music that makes me sit up and pay attention.
way too difficult, theres far too many good ones! Generally tho anything with action, and lots of it. Comedy. Interesting films that make you think. Horror with a twist. 'Cultural films', am a fan of french n korean films and the like, also just getting into spanish/latin america ones now that i'm learning the language. O and did I mention Anchorman?!
Favourite quotes:"Dream like you're going to live forever, and live like you're going to die tomorrow"."Break free of the boundaries that society places around us, wake up and for the first time in your life, really see"."Never frown, even when you're sad, cause you never know who may be falling in love with your smile""To the world you may be a person,but to one person you may be the world".
I read alot as I think that it is important. Don't make enough free time for it at the moment though. Generally athors who use language in an interesting way or who make me think. Original writing. Writers who use language creatively. Obviously the sign of a good book is one you don't want to put down.